2024 Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) All-Grantee Meeting (AGM)
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) hosted the 2024 MIECHV AGM and the theme was Collaborating on a New Era for MIECHV, in acknowledgement of the recent passage of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023, including the Jackie Walorski Maternal and Child Home Visiting Reauthorization Act of 2022. The 2024 MIECHV AGM was held over three days and offered both virtual and in-person participation. This was the first AGM since 2019 as the 2020 planned meeting was cancelled due to the public health emergency. The 2024 meeting was the first opportunity in five years for all MIECHV grantees to be together in person. The hybrid format of delivery created flexibility for states and jurisdiction to join the meeting virtually if needed, and provided an opportunity to expand the reach of the meeting to include community-based MIECHV home visiting program staff. During the 2024 MIECHV AGM, MIECHV awardees and other attendees were able to share information and best practices to support service expansion, strengthen home visiting workforce development, and advance high-quality implementation of evidence-based home visiting and early childhood systems activities.
Total conference expenses (for both virtual and in-person delivery): $1,694,183.00
1700 Richmond Hwy
Arlington, VA 22202
Dates: 1/29/2024 – 1/31/2024
How the conference advanced the mission of the agency and management rational for approval:
The MIECHV AGM directly supports MCHB’s mission to improve the health and well-being of America’s mothers, children, and families. MIECHV awardees engaged in capacity building opportunities, including learning from plenaries featuring MIECHV families, technical assistance sessions, and myriad topics from fellow MIECHV awardees. These conversations inform future programming to improve the quality of home visiting services that positively benefit mothers, children, and families. MIECHV awardees are also required to attend the AGM as part of their grant terms and conditions. Maximum participation in this meeting allowed for information sharing and discussion around the implementation of the legislative requirements introduced in the recent MIECHV authorization.
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses or other conference expenses were paid by the agency:
- Individuals paid by HRSA: 60
- Total Feds on Travel: Local Travel: 29; Travel Outside of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area: 16;
- Total Non-Feds on Travel: 15
- Total conference attendees: 730 (446 attending in-person, and 264 attending virtually)
2024 National Ryan White HIV/AIDS Conference on HIV Care and Treatment (NRWC)
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) hosted its biennial hybrid 2024 National Ryan White Conference on HIV Care and Treatment (NRWC), themed, Innovating to End the HIV Epidemic: Empowering Communities, Expanding Partnerships, Implementing Interventions, that brought together an estimated 6,000 health care professionals and over 1,088 community members in-person and virtually. This was first time HAB hosted a hybrid model conference with over 8,000 registrants, 4,802 virtual attendees and convening 2,700 in-person attendees in Washington, DC. Attendees were able to collaborate, share best practices, learn about innovative advancements in HIV care and treatment from some of the leading experts in the field. For more than 30 years, the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program has played a critical role in the United States’ public health response to HIV. In-person participation of the NRWC delivered 162 workshop sessions, 127 poster sessions, 42 exhibitors (also virtually), and four (4) Live-streamed plenary sessions including those from the HRSA Administrator, Carole Johnson and the Deputy Secretary of Health, Andrea Palm. Virtually, there were over 708,000 engagement interactions, 8,000 poster views, 5,500 networking interactions, and 22,000 live stream views of the plenary and workshop sessions. This hybrid NRWC approach played a critical role in demonstrating what a collaborative approach to government can achieve.
Total conference expenses (for both virtual and in-person delivery): $2,813,516.01
Marriott Marquis Washington, DC
901 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20001
Dates: 08/20/2024 – 08/23/2024
How the conference advanced the mission of the agency and management rational for approval:
HRSA efforts provide HIV care and treatment to more than 50% of all people diagnosed with HIV. The biennial NRWC provides opportunities for HRSA-funded grant recipients to further reduce the spread and end the HIV epidemic in the U.S. Through these efforts, conference participants learn the latest scientific and programmatic advancements from leaders in the field; identify strategies that enhance recipients’ programmatic and fiscal knowledge; form collaborations and partnerships; and share best practice models and innovative strategies. HRSA/HAB conference sessions have a massive impact on patient care programs when attendees return to their place of work, and to improve future HRSA HAB educational activities.
Total number of individuals whose travel expenses or other conference expenses were paid by the agency:
- Individuals paid by HRSA: 21
- Total Feds on Travel: Local Travel: 200; Travel Outside of the Washington D.C. Metropolitan Area: 20
- Total Non-Feds on Travel: 2,500
- Total conference attendees: 7,502 (2,700 attending in-person; 4,802 attending virtually)