Find Grant Funding
HRSA awards grants to states and territories, tribes, and educational and community groups. Through our awardees, we:
- Serve communities and people who need it most
- Support the health workforce, health systems, and facilities
Explore our open grant funding opportunities, or find forecasted grants.
What’s a grant?
A grant is federal money for ideas and projects that benefit the public.
Who can get a grant?
We award grants to organizations. These could be local or state governments. Our grants help them solve critical needs in their community.
What needs are critical?
A few examples:
- Expanding the health workforce
- Increasing access to affordable and quality health care
- More options for telehealth
- HIV medical care, medications, and support services
How do I get a grant?
Search for an open opportunity. If you’re eligible, prepare and then apply.
Fiscal Year 2025 Health Center Controlled Network (HCCN) Cooperative Agreements
- A Health Center Controlled Network, or
- A current Health Center Program (H80) award recipient, funded for at least two consecutive preceding years, applying on behalf of an HCCN.
- To be an HCCN, you must meet the following criteria throughout the period of performance:
- Have at least 10 PHCs,
- Be majority-controlled and, as applicable, at least majority-owned by Health Center Program (H80) award recipients, and
- Have your own governing body independent of the boards of your health center members.
AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Emergency Relief Funds (ERF)
Eligible applicants are limited to states/territories that receive RWHAP Part B funding and need additional funding to: •reduce or eliminate an existing ADAP waiting list, •actively prevent the implementation of an ADAP waiting list, •address a reduction in available resources to fund ADAP, •address a current or projected increase in treatment needs aligned with ending the HIV epidemic in the U.S., and/or •address other increases in the number of clients in the program due to new diagnosis, re-engagement in care, loss of income, and/or loss of health care coverage.
Individuals are not eligible applicants under this NOFO. States/territories that do not currently meet one or more of the above criteria are not eligible to apply.