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  3. A parent TIN with multiple subsidiary TINs each received a General Distribution payment. The subsidiary TINs attested to and accepted the General Distribution payments they received. Could the subsidiary TINs have allocated the General Distribution payments up to the parent TIN or to another subsidiary TIN? How does the parent TIN formally acknowledge acceptance of those payments that were attested and accepted by the subsidiary TIN?

A parent TIN with multiple subsidiary TINs each received a General Distribution payment. The subsidiary TINs attested to and accepted the General Distribution payments they received. Could the subsidiary TINs have allocated the General Distribution payments up to the parent TIN or to another subsidiary TIN? How does the parent TIN formally acknowledge acceptance of those payments that were attested and accepted by the subsidiary TIN?

A parent TIN with multiple subsidiary TINs each received a General Distribution payment. The subsidiary TINs attested to and accepted the General Distribution payments they received. Could the subsidiary TINs have allocated the General Distribution payments up to the parent TIN or to another subsidiary TIN? How does the parent TIN formally acknowledge acceptance of those payments that were attested and accepted by the subsidiary TIN?

HHS initially advised providers that once a subsidiary TIN attested to and accepted a General Distribution payment, the money must stay with, and be used by, the subsidiary TIN. However, HHS has received feedback indicating that some subsidiary TINs accepted a General Distribution payment prior to the release of this guidance, and that they would have had their parent TIN accept the money, had they known earlier of HHS’s position. In light of these timing concerns, HHS is revising its prior guidance and clarifying that, for General Distribution payments only, a subsidiary TIN can transfer its General Distribution payment to a parent TIN; this is true even if a subsidiary TIN initially attested to accepting a General Distribution payment. Consistent with other longstanding guidance, the parent TIN may use the money and/or allocate the money to other subsidiary TINs, as it deems appropriate.

Regardless of which entity (the parent or subsidiary) attested to the receipt of the General Distribution payments, the parent entity can report on the use of the General Distribution payment as part of the HHS reporting process.

(Added 10/28/2020)

Use of Funds
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