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  3. Payment Management System: My organization has multiple document numbers that use the same PMS account number and sub-account code to draw funds. We understand that the amount displayed in PMS for our Cash Receipts might not accurately reflect what was drawn down for each document in the sub-account. How will we be able to submit the Final FFR?

Payment Management System: My organization has multiple document numbers that use the same PMS account number and sub-account code to draw funds. We understand that the amount displayed in PMS for our Cash Receipts might not accurately reflect what was drawn down for each document in the sub-account. How will we be able to submit the Final FFR?

My organization has multiple document numbers that use the same PMS account number and sub-account code to draw funds. We understand that the amount displayed in PMS for our Cash Receipts might not accurately reflect what was drawn down for each document in the sub-account. How will we be able to submit the Final FFR?

Most grants in PMS are in sub-accounts and have a one-to-one correspondence between the Document Number and the funds drawn down. On occasion, however, an individual organization may receive more than one award (i.e., Document Number) under the same Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO). This creates a "mini-pooled" account in PMS, whereby an organization uses the same PMS Account Number and Sub-Account Code to draw funds and thus prevents the individual tracking of funds drawn by a Document Number. PMS uses an algorithm to distribute the funds requested from the mini-pooled account among all open documents using the same Sub-Account Code; because of this, the funds displayed on the Cash Receipts line may not be accurate for the Document Number.

For organizations that have multiple grants using the same PMS Account Number and Sub-Account Code, PMS will temporarily change the report type from Final to Interim; this change is administrative in nature and is only intended to allow recipients with grants in mini-pooled accounts to bypass the business rules for Final FFRs (where the Cash Receipts, Cash Disbursements, and Federal Share of Expenditures must match) and submit the report. EHBs will continue to reflect the report as Final. Once the FFR has been approved by HRSA, the report status will be changed back to Final in PMS. Please allow one week for this change to occur.

Please note that HRSA will begin using the Document Number as the Sub-Account Code for all new and competing continuation awards issued after October 1, 2020. This will allow for the better tracking of grant funds by the Document Number. Notice of Awards (NoA) with a Project Period of October 1, 2020, and after, will display the 'Document Number' within the 'Sub-Account Code' field. Recipients will continue to use the PMS Account Number and Sub-Account Code to draw down funds from PMS; however, the Sub-Account Code will be the Document Number for new awards. Please check your HRSA NoA to ensure you are using the correct Sub-Account Code to access your grant funds.

Payment Management System
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