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  3. Use of Funds: Must HRSA Health Center Program-funded health centers and look-alikes fully draw down Health Center Program COVID-19 Supplemental grant funding received from HRSA before using Provider Relief Fund or ARP Rural payments for eligible expenses and lost revenues attributable to coronavirus?

Use of Funds: Must HRSA Health Center Program-funded health centers and look-alikes fully draw down Health Center Program COVID-19 Supplemental grant funding received from HRSA before using Provider Relief Fund or ARP Rural payments for eligible expenses and lost revenues attributable to coronavirus?

Must HRSA Health Center Program-funded health centers and look-alikes fully draw down Health Center Program COVID-19 Supplemental grant funding received from HRSA before using Provider Relief Fund or ARP Rural payments for eligible expenses and lost revenues attributable to coronavirus?

Yes, Health Center Program COVID-19 Grants awarded to FQHCs and FQHC Look-Alikes for costs for expenses or losses that were potentially eligible for payments under the Provider Relief Fund and/or ARP Rural Distribution would need to be fully drawn down before Provider Relief Fund or ARP Rural payments could be used during the applicable period of availability. The Provider Relief Fund and ARP Rural Distribution required that payments not be used to reimburse expenses or lost revenues that have been reimbursed from other sources or that other sources are obligated to reimburse. If FQHCs or FQHC Look-alikes have incurred expenses or lost revenues attributable to coronavirus that these grant awards do not cover, they may use Provider Relief Fund or ARP Rural payments towards those expenses or losses. Grant funding may be awarded to support either broad or specific allowable uses, depending on the terms and conditions of the award. Recipients must use grant funding awarded by HRSA for the purposes (as budgeted) approved by HRSA. Should those costs also be eligible for payment under the Provider Relief Fund or ARP Rural Distribution, a Health Center Program-funded health center or look-alike must use their grant funds before utilizing Provider Relief Fund or ARP Rural payments.

(Updated 10/27/2022)

Use of Funds
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