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2021 Year in Review

HRSA 2021 Year in Review infographic
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HRSA 2021 Year in Review

Tens of millions of Americans receive quality, affordable health care and other services through HRSA's 90-plus programs and more than 3,000 grantees.

COVID-19 Response

  • In Fiscal Year (FY) 2021, HRSA awarded more than $8 billion, through grants and other funding mechanisms, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • In 2021, more than 17 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered by health centers; 67 percent were provided to racial and/or ethnic minority patients.
  • In 2021, HRSA made more than 100,000 provider relief payments, and has reimbursed a total of nearly 130 million COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccine administration claims through the HRSA COVID-19 Uninsured Program.

Health Centers

Nearly 29 million people - 1 in 11 nationwide - rely on a HRSA-supported health center for affordable, accessible primary health care, including:

  • 1 in 9 children (17 years or younger)
  • 1 in 3 people living in poverty
  • 1 in 5 people living in rural communities
  • Nearly 377,000 veterans

Rural Health

HRSA invested nearly $1 billion from the American Rescue Plan for rural COVID-19 testing, mitigation, and vaccine education and distribution.

More than 1,500 counties across 47 states and 2 territories have received substance use disorder prevention, treatment, and recovery services through the Rural Communities Opioid Response Program.


In the United States, more than half a million people with diagnosed HIV receive services through the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program.

89% of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program clients receiving HIV medical care are virally suppressed in 2020:

  • A historic increase from 70% in 2010
  • Exceeds the national average of 66%

Maternal and Child Health

In FY2020, approximately 140,000 parents and children received maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting services:

  • In 41% of all urban counties
  • In 27% of all rural counties

An estimated 60 million pregnant women and children benefit from HRSA-funded infant screenings, preventive care visits, and other services. This includes:

  • 93% of all pregnant women
  • 98% of all infants
  • 60% of all children (including children with special health care needs)

Health Workforce

More than 22,700 clinicians - the highest number ever - received HRSA scholarships or loan repayment assistance in exchange for working in underserved communities and providing primary care, dental, behavioral health, and opioid treatment services to 23 million patients.

Transplantation and Organ Donation

HRSA's transplantation programs facilitated:

  • Nearly 6,200 bone marrow and cord blood transplants
  • Approximately 39,000 organ transplants (the highest ever)


Virtual visits to HRSA-funded health centers increased by nearly 6,000% in 2020 - nearly 28 million more virtual visits than in 2019.

Nearly 4,000 HRSA grant awards include telehealth, which is approximately 37% of HRSA's total grant awards.

340B Drug Pricing Program

Over 13,000 safety-net providers were able to purchase nearly $40 billion of drugs at discounts of 25-50% through HRSA's prescription drug discount program.

Poison Help

68.7% of approximately 2.1 million human exposure cases were treated at the site of exposure by Poison Control Centers. This avoided ER visits and reduced health care costs.

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