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  3. Auditing and Reporting Requirements: If a Reporting Entity received a finding during an audit (including Single Audit), may it amend its previously submitted report to resolve the finding?

Auditing and Reporting Requirements: If a Reporting Entity received a finding during an audit (including Single Audit), may it amend its previously submitted report to resolve the finding?

If a Reporting Entity received a finding during an audit (including Single Audit), may it amend its previously submitted report to resolve the finding?

No. The Reporting Entity may not amend its report after the reporting period has passed. However, providers have the following options available:

  • For providers required to report in subsequent reporting periods and that chooses to replace its unallowable expense with its unreimbursed lost revenues in the reporting period in question.
    • Providers would update their previously entered lost revenues information inthe next available reporting period.
    • Providers are required to enter a justification for the change with a description(including the notation that they were making this change to replace anunallowable expense as part of their audit finding corrective action plan, adding the audit and/or finding number).
  • For providers that were not required to report in subsequent reporting period and chose to replace its unallowable expenses with itsunreimbursed lost revenues in the reporting period in question.
    • In the corrective action plan, the provider would indicate that theunallowable expense was “replaced” by unreimbursed lost revenues.

(Added 2/16/2024)

Auditing and Reporting Requirements
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