Table 1. Alleged COVID-19 Countermeasure Claims Filed

Data as of October 1, 2024

This table displays the alleged countermeasure and alleged injury/death for each COVID-19 countermeasure claim filed as of October 1, 2024. Of the 13,468 COVID-19 countermeasure claims, 10,401 allege injuries/deaths from COVID-19 vaccines and 3,067 allege injuries/deaths from other COVID-19 countermeasures. These 3,067 claims include those where it is unclear upon initial submission of the claim whether the injury/death is alleged from a vaccine or a non-vaccine COVID-19 countermeasure.

The CICP does not maintain its aggregated data concerning alleged countermeasures, including vaccines, by specific manufacturer or trade name.

Countermeasure Injury Case Count
Acetaminophen / Albuterol / Azithromycin / BiPap / Ceftriaxone / Ciprofloxacin / Dexamethasone / Dextrose / Enoxiparin / Propofol / Remdesivir Death 1
Acetaminophen / Albuterol / Benzonatate / Cisatracurium / Dexamethasone / Dextrose / Enoxaparin / Methylprepnisolone / Metoprolol / Nifedipine / Rosuvastatin / Ventilator Death 1
Acetaminophen / Alprazolam / Asorbic Acid / Atlran / BiPap / Ventilator Death 1
Acetaminophen / COVID-19 Medications / Morphine / Remdesivir Death 1
Actemra / BiPap / COVID-19 Infection / Decadron / Vitamin C / Zinc Death 1
Actemra / Dexamethasone / Fentanyl / Lovenox / Nimbex / Propofol / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Fever / Hypercapnia / Hyponatremia / Infection / Seizure 1
Acute Blood Loss / Blood Transfusion / Ventilator Death 1
Albumin / Catheter / Chest Tube / Fentanyl / Heparin / Midazolam / Morphine / Remdesivir / Ventilator / Xanax Not Specified 1
Albuterol / Asorbic Acid / Aspirin / Azithromycin / BiPap / COVID-19 Medications / Dexamethasone / Dextrose / Enoxaparin / Furosemide / G-Tube / Heparin / Lorazepam / Morphine / Oxygen Therapy / Propofol / Remdesivir / Ventilator / Zinc Death 1
Albuterol / Aspirin / Baricitinib / CPAP / Dexamethasone / Heparin / Oxygen / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol / Tylenol Death 1
Anakinra Death 1
Anakinra / Ceftriaxone / Convalescent Plasma / Heparin / Medrol / Steroids / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Anakinra / Dialysis / Plaquenil / Solu-Medrol / Thiamine / Ventilator / Vitamin C Death 1
Anakinra / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator / Zithromax Death 1
Antibiotics / Enoxaparin Death 1
Antibiotics / Hydroxychloroquine / Intubation / PIC Line / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Antibiotics / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Antibiotics / Intubation / Sedation / Ventilator Death 1
Antibiotics / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Anticoagulants / Echmo / Ventilator Death 1
Anti-inflammatory Medications / Antibiotics / COVID-19 Antivirals / Oxygen Therapy Death 1
Antiviral Death 1
Antiviral Medications / Ventilator Death 2
Apixaban / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Oxygen / Zithromax Death 1
Asorbic Acid / Azithromycin / Enoxaparin / Zinc Death 1
Aspirin / Hydroxychloroquine / Oxygen / Zithromax Death 1
Atropine / Convalescent Plasma / Decadron / Remdesivir Death 1
Auxora Death 1
Azithromycin COVID-19 Infection 1
Azithromycin Death 23
Azithromycin Not Specified 1
Azithromycin / Aztreonam / Dexamethasone / Hydroxychloroquine / linezolid / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Benzonatate / Budesonide / Ceftriaxone / Cyanocobalamin / Dexamethasone / Enoxaparin / Fluticasone / Furosemide / Guaifenesvir / Intubation / Morphine / Ondansetron / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab / Vancomycin Death 1
Azithromycin / BiPap / Cefepime / Codeine / Flagyl / Guaifenesin / IV azithromycin / Lovenox / Phosphate / Procalcitohin / Remdesivir / Transdermal Nitro Paste / Vancomycin Death 1
Azithromycin / BiPap / Ceftriaxone / CPAP / Decadron / Dexamethasone / Lipitor / Methylprednisolone / Rocephin / Ticagrelor / Z-Pac / Zithromax Lung Damage 1
Azithromycin / BiPap / Convalescent Plasma / Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / BiPap / Convalescent Plasma / SPO2 Respiratory failure 1
Azithromycin / BiPap / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / BiPap / Dialysis / Plaquenil / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 2
Azithromycin / BiPap / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine Death 1
Azithromycin / BiPap / Intubation / Plasma treatment with Heparin / Remdesivir / Steroids / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / BiPap / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Bolus / Ceftriaxone / Hydroxychloroquine / Zozyn Death 1
Azithromycin / Cefdinir / G-Tube Death 1
Azithromycin / Cefdinir / Ibuprofen Death 1
Azithromycin / Cefdinir / Ondansetron Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Convalescent Plasma / Doxycycline / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Dialysis / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Tocilizumab / Vancomycin / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Dialysis / Heparin / Vancomycin / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Steroids / Vancomycin / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Steroids / Vancomycin / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Hydroxychloroquine / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Plaquenil Death 1
Azithromycin / Ceftriaxone / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / CRRT / Decadron / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Decadron / Dialysis / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Decadron / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Medrol / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Medrol / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 2
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Dialysis / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Mechanical Ventilator / Remdesivir Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 3
Azithromycin / Convalescent Plasma / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / COVID-19 Medications / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / CRRT / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / CRRT / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / CT Scan with Contrast / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Tracheostomy / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Decadron / Mechanical Ventilator / Remdesivir Death 1
Azithromycin / Decadron / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Decadron / Remdesivir Death 1
Azithromycin / Decadron / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Decadron / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Decadron / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 3
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Steroids / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 2
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Solu-Medrol / Ventilator Death 2
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Hydroxychloroquine Death 1
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 4
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 3
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 8
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Solu-Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Steroids Death 1
Azithromycin / Dexamethasone / Ventilator Death 5
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Enoxaparin / Steroids / Tocilizumab Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Vasopressin / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Ventilator Death 2
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Ventilator Death 2
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Steroids / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 4
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 12
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Methylprednisolone Death 1
Azithromycin / Dialysis / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Fentanyl / Hydroxychloroquine / Intubation Death 1
Azithromycin / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Vancomycin / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Vancomycin / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Heparin / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine Death 13
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Intubation Death 5
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Mechanical Ventilator / Remdesivir Death 9
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Vancomycin / Ventilator Death 2
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Tocilizumab Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 3
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Ventilator Death 5
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Plaquenil / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Plaquenil / Ventilator / Zithromax Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir Death 7
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab / Vancomycin / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 65
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Respirator Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Rocephin Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Steroids Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Ventilator Death 2
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Steroids / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 5
Azithromycin / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 52
Azithromycin / Ivermectin / Methylprednisolone Death 1
Azithromycin / Ivermectin / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir Death 14
Azithromycin / Ivermectin / Remdesivir Death 1
Azithromycin / Mechanical Ventilator Death 3
Azithromycin / Mechanical Ventilator / Remdesivir Death 3
Azithromycin / Methylprednisolone / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Metoprolol Death 1
Azithromycin / Remdesivir Death 19
Azithromycin / Remdesivir / Rocephin Not Specified 1
Azithromycin / Remdesivir / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 32
Azithromycin / Sedation / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Azithromycin / Ventilator Death 17
Bamlanivimab Not Specified 1
Bamlanivimab / Lovenox / Mechanical Ventilator / Remdesivir Death 1
Baricitinib / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
BiPap Death 1
BiPap / Ceftriaxone / Doxycycline / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine Death 1
BiPap / Chest Tube / Intubation / Remdesivir Death 1
BiPap / Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Enterostomal Therapy / Remdesivir / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
BiPap / Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir Death 1
BiPap / COVID-19 Medications / Nebulizer Death 1
BiPap / COVID-19 Medications / Oxygen / Ventilator Death 1
BiPap / COVID-19 Medications / Ventilator Death 1
BiPap / Hydroxychloroquine / Ivermectin / Remdesivir Death 1
BiPap / Intubation / Mechanical Ventilator / Remdesivir Death 1
BiPap / Lovenox Pneumothorax / Pulmonary Embolus 1
BiPap / Mechanical Ventilator Death 1
BiPap / Remdesivir Death 4
BiPap / Remdesivir Death / Lung Damage 1
BiPap / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
BiPap / Ventilator Death 3
Blood Transfusion Death 1
Blood Transfusion / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Bronchoscopy / Remdesivir / Steroids / Ventilator / Zithromax Death 1
Ceftriaxone / Convalescent Plasma / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Ceftriaxone / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
Ceftriaxone / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 1
Ceftriaxone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Chest Compression / Epinephrine Death 1
Citalopram / Dexamethasone Not Specified 1
Contrast Death 1
Convalescent Plasma Death 6
Convalescent Plasma / COVID-19 Medications / Ventilator Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / COVID-19 Vaccine / Remdesivir Not Specified 1
Convalescent Plasma / Decadron / Intubation / Lorazepam / Ventilator Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Decadron / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Dialysis / Ventilator Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir Death 2
Convalescent Plasma / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Intubation / Vasopressin / Ventilator Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Intubation / Ventilator Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Lovenox / Remdesivir Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Mechanical Ventilator Death 2
Convalescent Plasma / N-95 Mask / Remdesivir Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir Death 3
Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 5
Convalescent Plasma / Tocilizumab / Zithromax Death 1
Convalescent Plasma / Ventilator Death 5
COVID-19 Infection Anaphylactic Shock 1
COVID-19 Infection COVID-19 Infection 2
COVID-19 Infection Death 5
COVID-19 Infection Fibromyalgia 1
COVID-19 Infection Not Specified 2
COVID-19 Infection Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Infection Renal Failure 1
COVID-19 Infection / Intubation Death 1
COVID-19 Infection / Not Specified Headache 1
COVID-19 Medications Abdominal Pain / Autoimmune Reaction / Blurred Vision / Headache / Prediabetes / Spasms / Tachycardia / Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) 1
COVID-19 Medications Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) / Anemia / Sarcoidosis / Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) 1
COVID-19 Medications Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) 1
COVID-19 Medications Balance Issues 1
COVID-19 Medications Blisters 1
COVID-19 Medications Blurred Vision / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Medications Death 50
COVID-19 Medications Fatigue / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Medications Hearing Loss 2
COVID-19 Medications Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Medications Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Medications Polymyalgia 1
COVID-19 Medications Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 1
COVID-19 Medications Stroke 1
COVID-19 Medications / COVID-19 Test / Ventilator Death 1
COVID-19 Medications / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 1
COVID-19 Medications / Intubation Death 1
COVID-19 Medications / Intubation / Ventilator Not Specified 1
COVID-19 Medications / Oxygen / Ventilator Death 1
COVID-19 Medications / Remdesivir Death 2
COVID-19 Medications / Remdesivir / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
COVID-19 Medications / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
COVID-19 Medications / Ventilator Death 1,042
COVID-19 Test Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) 1
COVID-19 Test Death 2
COVID-19 Test Edema / Redness 1
COVID-19 Test Heart Issues 1
COVID-19 Test Not Specified 3
COVID-19 Test Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Test Paresthesia / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Test Perforated Ethmoidal Artery 1
COVID-19 Test Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Test / Heparin / Supplemental Oxygen / Ultrasound (Duplex) Brain Injury / Quadriplegia / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Test / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 1
COVID-19 Test / Oxygen Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Abscess / Appendicitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Cramps / Bleeding / Chest Pain / Elevated Blood Pressure / Fever / Tremors / Trivial Pericardial Effusion / Vomiting / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain 15
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Abnormal EKG / Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction / Blurred Vision / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Diarrhea / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Fatigue / Hair Loss / Headache / Mobility Issues / Pain / Rash / Shortness of Breath / Sleep Issue / Tachycardia / Tinnitus / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Ache / Anxiety / Atrophy / Balance Issues / Blurred Vision / Brain Fog / Burning / Chest Pain / Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Constipation / Digestive Issues / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Hives / Itching / Light Sensitivity / Malaise / Muscle Pain / Muscle Weakness / Nausea / Noise Sensitivity / Numbness / Nystagmus / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Rash / Shortness of Breath / Sleep Issue / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Sore Throat / Tingling / Tinnitus / Tremors / Twitching / Urinary Problem / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Ache / Arm Pain / Asthma / Chills / Congestion / Fatigue / Fever / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Ache / Chills / Diarrhea / Headache / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Ache / Fever / Myalgia / Pain / Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Ache / Kidney Failure / Lethargy / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Acid Reflux / Fatty liver disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Allergic Reaction / Anxiety / Autoimmune Disease / Depression / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Itching / Pain / Rash / Shortness of Breath / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Anaphylaxis / Arrhythmia / Cardiomyopathy / Chest Pain / Cognitive Difficulty / Diaphoresis / Fatigue / Heart Attack / Heart Failure / Myocarditis / Pericarditis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Anaphylaxis / Asthma / Cardiomyopathy / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Anemia / Anxiety / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Diarrhea / Hearing Loss / Hyperhidrosis / Tinnitus / Tiredness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Anxiety / Arm Pain / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Fatigue / Headache / Heart Issues / Nausea / Neuropathy / Pain / Shoulder Pain / Swelling / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Anxiety / Aspiration / Ataxia / Autoimmune Encephalitis / Bipolar Disorder / Brain Fog / Choreoathetosis / Clonus / Cognitive Difficulty / Constipation / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Depression / Dysphagia / Encephalopathy / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) / Hemiballismus / Insomnia / Liver Hemangioma / MRSA Pneumonia / Neurological Issues / Numbness / Oral Mucosa / Paresthesia / Pneumonia / Spasms / Stevens-Johnson / Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) / Tingling / Transaminitis / Ulceration / Weakness / Xerostomia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Anxiety / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Dry Eye / Fatigue / Migraine / Nausea / Neuropathy / Pain / Palpitations / Swelling / Tachycardia / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Appetite Loss / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Nausea / Stomach Pain / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Arm Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Back pain / Blurred Vision / Chest Pain / Headache / Leg pain / Lethargy / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Back pain / Chest Pain / Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Back pain / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Bloating / Headache / Irregular Heartbeat / Loss of Voice / Nausea / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Blood Clot / Bruising / Diarrhea / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Blood Pressure Issue / Blurred Vision / Dry Eye / Dry Mouth / Dysautonomia / Fatigue / Gastrointestinal Dysmotility Disorder / Hair Loss / Heart Rate Variability (HRV) / Numbness / Palpitations / Paresthesia / Peripheral Neuropathy / Shock / Sweating / Tingling / Urinary Problem 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Blurred Vision / Digestive Issues / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Bowel Issues / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Heart Issues / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Nausea / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Brain Fog / Fatigue / Inability to Focus / Muscle Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Brain Fog / Liver Disease / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Burning / Chest Pain / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Fainting / Fibromyalgia / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Cardiomyopathy / Chest Pain / Chills / Constipation / Heartburn / Myocarditis / Nausea / Palpitations / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) / Shortness of Breath / Sleep Issue / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Chest Pain / Coughing / Polyuria / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Chest Pain / Diarrhea / Difficulty Breathing / Migraine / Nausea / Pain / Palpitations / Rash / Swelling / Tinnitus / Vision Issues / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Cholecystitis / Fecal Impaction / Mobility Issues / Pneumonia / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Cramps / Swelling / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Diarrhea / Headache / Pain / Shoulder Pain / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Diarrhea / Low Platelets / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Dizziness / Headache / Joint Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Dizziness / Heart Issues / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Dyskinesia / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Fatigue / Low Blood Pressure / Migraine / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Fatigue / Nausea / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Headache / Heart Arrhythmia / Menstrual Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Headache / High Blood Pressure / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Headache / Nausea / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Heartburn / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Ileus / Leukocytosis / Pancreatitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Inflammation / Necrotizing Pancreatitis (NP) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Jaundice 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Myocarditis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Nausea / Shaking / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Tachycardia / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abdominal Pain / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal EKG / Ache / Chest Pain / Difficulty Walking / Dysautonomia / Headache / Heart Issues / Insomnia / Irregular Blood Pressure / Irregular Heartbeat / Migraine / Pain / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Shortness of Breath / Sleep Issue / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) / Tachycardia / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal EKG / Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) with Rapid Ventricular Response (RVR) / Heart Issues / Irregular Heartbeat / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal EKG / Back Pain / Chest Pain / Lymph Node Enlargement / Shortness of Breath / Tenderness / Tightness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal EKG / Bell's Palsy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal EKG / Blood Clot / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal EKG / Elevated Troponin Enzyme / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal Gait / Conversion Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal Heart Rhythm / Brain Fog / Headache / Mobility Issues / Rashes / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abnormal Inflammatory Markers / Abnormal Liver Enzymes / Anemia / Diabetes / Fatigue / Fever / Hypothyroidism / Pharyngitis / Rash / Tachycardia / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Abrasion / Cholecystitis / Gallbladder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Achalasia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Allergic Reaction / Fatigue / Fever / Hives / Inflammation / Rash / Swelling / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Allodynia / Chest Pain / Dysautonomia / Numbness / Orthostasis / Pain / Rash / Temperature Regulation Difficulty / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Anxiety / Burning / Chills / Erythromelalgia / Fatigue / Fever / Insomnia / Joint Stiffness / Night Sweat / Numbness / Pain / Rapid Heartbeat / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Tachycardia / Tingling / Tinnitus / Tremors / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Anxiety / Dizziness / Fatigue / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Anxiety / Fatigue / Fibromyalgia / Headache / Muscle Pain / Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Anxiety / Fatigue / High Blood Pressure / Pain / Rash / Sleep Issue / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Appetite Loss / Chills / Dizziness / Fever / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Appetite Loss / Fever / Headache / Inflammation / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Arm Pain / Arm Swelling / Bruising / Headache / Menstrual Issues / Rapid Heartbeat / Tinnitus / Vertigo / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Arm Pain / Blurred Vision / Confusion / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Nausea / Numbness / Shingles / Sleep Issue / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Arm Pain / Burning / Chills / Diarrhea / Dizziness / Leg pain / Nausea / Rapid Heartbeat / Rash / Shortness of Breath / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Arm Pain / Chills / Diarrhea / Headache / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath / Swelling / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Arm Pain / Hives / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath / Tightness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Arthralgia / Chills / Fatigue / Fever / Hair Loss / Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) / Rash / Raynaud's Disease / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Asthma / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Chills / Diarrhea / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Fatigue / Fever / Fluid Retention / Headache / Injection Site Pain / Insomnia / Loss of Smell / Nausea / Palpitations / Sore Throat / Sweating / Swelling / Tinnitus / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Bell's Palsy / Difficulty Swallowing / Hearing Loss / Sore Throat / Speech Issues / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Blood Clot / Chest Pain / Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Chills / Cognitive Difficulty / Digestive Issues / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Hypertension / Light Sensitivity / Nausea / Noise Sensitivity / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath / Sweating / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Muscle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Fatigue / Pain / Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Brain Fog / Chills / Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Digestive Issues / Headache / Heart Arrhythmia / Irregular Blood Pressure / Memory Loss / Myalgia / Pain / Sleep Issue / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Fever / Migraine / Mobility Issues / Muscle Pain / Nausea / Neck pain / Numbness / Pain / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Heart Issues / Nausea / Pain / Rash / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Burning / Chest Pain / Diarrhea / Digestive Issues / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Pain / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Burning / Chest Pain / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Burning / Itching / Neurological Issues / Numbness / Pain / Swelling / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Cardiac Arrest / Chest Pain / Fever / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Cardiac Issue / Hair Loss / Menstrual Issues / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chest Pain / Chills / Fatigue / Fever / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chest Pain / Fatigue / Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chest Pain / Fever / Headache / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chest Pain / Fever / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chest Pain / Fever / Pain / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chills / Cough / Elevated White Blood Cell Count / Fatigue / Fever / Nausea / Respiratory Infection / Ulcer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chills / Dizziness / Fever / Neurological Issues / Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chills / Fatigue / Headache / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chills / Fatigue / Muscle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chills / Fever / Headache / Pneumonia / Sepsis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chills / Fever / Headache / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chills / Fever / Sweating / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Chills / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Constipation / Difficulty Breathing / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Tingling / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Cough / Lethargy / Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Fatigue / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Depression / Nervousness / Sleep Issue / Stomach Pain / Swelling / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Diarrhea / Erythema / Myalgia / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Diarrhea / Fatigue / Headache / Loss of taste/smell / Pain / Sleep Issue / Tingling / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Dizziness / Fainting / Hearing Loss / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Dizziness / Malaise / Myalgia / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Fatigue / Irregular Blood Pressure / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Fever / Headache / Rapid Heartbeat / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Fever / High Blood Pressure / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Flu Like Symptoms / Heart Inflammation / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Headache / High Blood Pressure / Pain / Panic Attack / Sweating / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Headache / Lethargy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Limited Mobility / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Migraine / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Numbness / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ache / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Allergies / Dizziness / Fatigue / Malaise / Soreness / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Anemia / Brain Fog / Fatigue / Hair Loss / Headache / Insomnia / Nausea / Temperature Regulation Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Arrhythmia / Chest Pain / Insomnia / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Balance Issues / Blurred Vision / Dizziness / Fever / Headache / Mobility Issues / Neurological Issues / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Blood Pressure Issues / Dysautonomia / Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Herpes Virus / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Numbness / Pain / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Rash / Raynaud's Syndrome / Restless Leg Syndrome / Sweating / Tinnitus / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Chills / Congestion / Coughing / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Chills / Coughing / Dizziness / Elevated White Blood Cell Count / Fatigue / Mobility Issues / Night Sweats / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Chills / Fever / Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Cramps / Dizziness / Fever / Spasms / Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Dehydration / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Fatigue / Headache / High Blood Pressure / Soreness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Fatigue / Hemolytic Anemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Nausea / Pneumonia / Seizure / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aches / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Achilles Tendonitis / Shoulder Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aching Joints / Fatigue / Night Chills / Night Sweats / Racing Heart / Shortness of Breath / Swollen Joints 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acid Reflux / Anxiety / Chills / Cognitive Difficulty / Fever / Headache / Inflammation / Injection Site Rash / Nausea / Stiffness / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acid Reflux / Arm Pain / Digestive Issues / Fatigue / Numbness / Pain / Rash / Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acid Reflux / Congenital Vascular Malformations (CVM) / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acid Reflux / Fatigue / Pain / Shoulder Pain / Sleep Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acne Rosacea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acne Rosacea / Rash / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Brachial Radiculitis Syndrome / Brachial Plexopathy / Neuralgic Amyotrophy / Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Coronary Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Decompensated Heart Failure (ADHF) / Myocarditis / Pericarditis / Sarcoidosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / Blood Clot / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Lesion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / Cancer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Vision Issues / Visual Field Loss / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / Dysautonomia / Neuropathy / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / Hearing Loss / Inflammation / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / Multiple Sclerosis (MS) / Numbness / Paralysis / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis (ADEM) / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Hypoxemia / Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) / Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Pulmonary Embolus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP) 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP) / Angina / Cognitive Difficulty / Palpitations / Tremors / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP) / Bedridden / Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (AIDP) / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) / ANCA Vasculitis / Anemia / Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) / Blood Clot / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / High Blood Pressure / Renal Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) / Blood Clot / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Headache / Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) / Hearing Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) / Hematuria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) / Hematuria / Nephropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) / Kidney Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Myeloid Leukemia 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Pericardial Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) / Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Respiratory Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Respiratory Failure / Pain / Pneumonia / Pulmonary Hypertension / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Systolic Heart Failure 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Systolic Heart Failure / Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Acute Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Addison's Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Addison's Disease / Anemia / Appetite Loss / Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) / Dysautonomia / Fatigue / Headache / Hypertension / Weight Gain / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Additive Asymmetric Oligo Arthritis / Arm Pain / Immobility / Inflammation / Migrating Arthritis / Reactive Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) 80
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Adrenal Gland Hemorrhage / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Adverse Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Anxiety / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Arm / Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Arm Pain 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Arm Pain / Mobility Issues / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Arm Pain / Muscle Spasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Arm Pain / Shoulder Pain / Supraspinatus Tendinitis / Tendinosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Blood Clot 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Bruising / Joint Stiffness / Muscle Stiffness / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Bruising / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Bursitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Bursitis / Tendinosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Cervical Radiculopathy 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Costochondritis / Dyspnea / Palpitations / Paresthesia / Pericarditis / Sinus Tachycardia / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Enlarged Lymph Nodes / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Fatigue / Migraine / Pain / Palpitations / SIRVA / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / High Blood Pressure / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Inflammation / Rotator Cuff Tear / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Injection Site Injury / Injection Site Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Mobility Issues / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Numbness / Pain / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Osteoarthritis (OA) / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Pain 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Rotator Cuff Tear / Shoulder Impingement Syndrome / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Shoulder Bursitis / Shoulder Impingement Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Shoulder Impingement Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Shoulder Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Shoulder Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Shoulder Tendonitis / SIRVA / Supraspinatus Tendinitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / SIRVA 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Adhesive Capsulitis (Frozen Shoulder) / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adrenal Gland Hemorrhage / Aortitis / Cryopyrin-Associated Autoinflammatory Syndromes (CAPS) / Heart Attack / Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adrenal Insufficiency 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Adrenal Insufficiency / Central Diabetes Insipidus (CDI) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adrenaline Rushes / Difficulty Standing / Fatigue / Headache / Heart Palpitation / Heavy Periods / Insomnia / Memory Loss / Painful Menstrual Cramps / Shortness of Breath / Slurred Speech / Sweating / Tinnitus / Unable to Remember Words / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adrenergic Syndrome / Bradycardia / Cardiac Arrhythmia / Dysautonomia / Tachycardia / Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adult Onset Stills Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adult Onset Still's Disease / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Night Sweats 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction 13
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Anxiety 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Chills / Inflammation / Liver Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Confusion / Inability to Walk / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Dermatomyositis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Dizziness / High Blood Pressure / Nausea / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Exhaustion / Fatigue / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Fatigue / Numbness / Tinnitus / Twitching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Migraine / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Reaction / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Akathisia / Dizziness / Dyskinesia / Mobility Issues / Pain / Spasms / Speech Issues / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction 133
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Anaphylactic Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Anaphylaxis / Cardiac Arrhythmia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Anemia / Hives / Itching / Rash / Swelling / Ulcer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Angioedema / Difficulty Breathing / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Angioedema / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Arm Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Arm Pain / Asthma / Blood Clot / Headache / Hives / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Asthma / Numbness / Pain / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) / Eczema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Autoimmune Disease / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Autoimmune Disease / Fatigue / Hair Loss / High Blood Pressure / Muscle Weakness / Pain / Tightness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Autoimmune Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Autoimmune Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Bladder Issues / Bowel Issues / Brain Fog / Burning / Headache / High Blood Pressure / Pain / Stroke / Tingling / Transverse Myelitis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Blisters / Bullous Pemphigoid / Itching / Numbness / Pain / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Blisters / Burning / Scarring 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Blisters / Hives / Lesion / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Burning 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Burning / Chest Pain / Neck pain / Numbness / Swelling / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Burning / Itching / Numbness / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Chest Pain / Decreased Ejection Fracture / Decreased Oxygen Saturation / Edema / Heart Arrhythmia / HTN / Myocarditis / Palpitations / Pulmonary Hypertension / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Fever / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Cognitive Difficulty / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Diabetes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Difficulty Breathing 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Dizziness 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Dysautonomia / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Dysautonomia / Irregular Blood Pressure / Lymphocytic Colitis / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Dysautonomia / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Muscle Spasm / Paresthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Fainted / Head Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Fainted / Heart Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Fatigue / Fever / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Fatigue / Insomnia / Soreness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Fever / Injection Site Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Flu Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Heart Palpitations / Myoclonus / Paresthesia / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Headache / Infection / Pain / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Heart Failure / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / High Blood Pressure / Hives / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Hives 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Hives / Injection Site Injury / Rash / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Hives / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Hives / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Hives / Welts 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Hypersensitivity 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Hypertension / Inflammation / Rash / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Itching 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Itching / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Lupus / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Muscle Pain / Neurological Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Myopericarditis / Pulmonary Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Panic Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Peripheral Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Rash 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Shock 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Swelling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Reaction / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Rhinitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Rhinitis / Anaphylaxis / Asthma / Respiratory Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Rhinitis / Hives / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergic Rhinitis / Migraine / Nerve Damage / Polymyalgia / Tachycardia / Vision Issues / Visual Snow Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergies / Cardiovascular Issues / Cognitive Issues / Hypothyroidism / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Neurological Issues / Platelet Activation / Vascular Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allergies / Mast Cell Disease / Mastocytosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Allodynia / Brain Fog / Dysesthesias / Fatigue / Gastroparesis / Headache / Heat Sensitivity / Incontinence / Insomnia / Light Sensitivity / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Noise Sensitivity / Numbness / Pain / Paresthesia / Polyradiculopathy Reactivity / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Temperature Regulation Issues / Tingling / Tinnitus / Vasodilation / Vision Issues / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia / Alopecia Areata 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia Areata 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia Areata / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Shingles / Ulcer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia Areata / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) / Vasovagal Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia Totals 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Altered Consciousness Awareness / Dizziness / Paresthesia / Prolonged Ataxia / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Amnesia / Anxiety / Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Headache / Heart Issues / Seizures / Syncope / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Amputation 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Amputation / Atrial Dissection / Kidney Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Amputation / Blood Clot 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Amputation / Blood Clot / Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Amputation / Blood Clot / Gangrene 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Amputation / Leg pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) / Bedridden 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) / Cramps / Difficulty Swallowing / Slurring Words / Twitching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) / Cramps / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction 26
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Anxiety / Blood Clot / High Blood Pressure / Palpitations / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Anxiety / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Exploding Head Syndrome / Fatigue / Hearing Loss / Heat Intolerance / High Blood Pressure / Inflammation / Insomnia / Light Sensitivity / Menstrual Issues / Neuropathy / Numbness / Pain / Panic Attacks / Seizure / Spasms / Speech Issues / Stroke / Swelling / Tingling / Tinnitus / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Cardiac Injury / COVID Arm / Infection / Lupus / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Raynaud's Syndrome / Vascular Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Chest Pain / Fever / Hives / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Chest Pain / Numbness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Chest Pain / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Fatigue / Inflammation / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Paralysis / Speech Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Difficulty Breathing / Headache / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Headache / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Rash / Shaking / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Reaction / Spasms / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock 28
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic shock / Anaphylaxis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock / Bleeding / Blurred Vision / Fibromyalgia / Hypertension / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock / Dysphagia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Mastocytosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock / Headache / Migraine / Nosebleed / Numbness / Rash / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock / Hives / Lightheadedness / Swelling / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactic Shock / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylactoid Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis 50
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Anxiety / Depression / Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Reactivation / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Inflammation / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Arm Swelling / Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Difficulty Breathing / Hospitalized / Paralysis / Wheezing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Blisters / Burning / Headache / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Bruising / Insomnia / Skinspot / Wheezing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Bursitis / Deltoid Bursitis / Demyelinating Disease / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Tendinosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Cardiac Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Chest Pain / Chest Pressure / Choking / Fatigue / Migraine / Mobility Issues / Numbness / Pain / Sciatica / Shortness of Breath / Shoulder Pain / Tingling / Venous Insufficiency / Visual Field Loss / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Chest Pain / Fatigue / Fluid Retention / High Blood Pressure / Hives / Itching / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Difficulty Breathing / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Difficulty Swallowing / Hives / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Dizziness / Heart Inflammation / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Dysautonomia / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Dysphagia / Thrush 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Hives / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Hypermobility Syndrome / Pain / Polydipsia / Polyuria / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Neurological Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anaphylaxis / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine ANCA Vasculitis 4
COVID-19 Vaccine ANCA Vasculitis / Kidney Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine ANCA-C Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine ANCA-C Vasculitis / Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Androgen Insufficiency / Cardiovagal Impairment / Dizziness / Mobility Issues / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Rash / Sjogren's Syndrome / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Anxiety / Cancer / Chills / Fever / Headache / Insomnia / Loss of Balance / Muscle Pain / Nausea / Pain / Redness / Swelling / Tiredness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Arthritis / Crohn's Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Arthritis / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Ascites / Bilateral Hydroceles / Cough / Cramps / Edema / Elevated C-Reactive Protein (CRP) / Elevated Platelets / Fatigue / Fever / Gynecomastia / Hypotension / Inflammation / Intra-Abdominal Lymphadenopathy / Low Albumin / Night Sweat / Tachycardia / Temperature Sensitivity / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Blisters / Burning / Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) / Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Ear Pain / Hearing Loss / Mobility Issues / Pain / Tremors / Tumor / Vertigo / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Cough / High Blood Pressure / Low Platelets / Lupus / Palpable Purpura / Pleurisy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Enlarged Spleen / Fatigue / Headache / Pain / Urinary Tract Infection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Fatigue / Pancytopenia / Ulcer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) / Tendinosis / Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Hashimoto's Disease / Kidney Failure / Lupus / Sjogren's Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Insomnia / Pain / Paresthesia / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Jaundice 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Pancytopenia / Thrombocytopenia 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Tumor 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anemia / Uterine Bleeding 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aneurysm 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Aneurysm / Arm Pain / Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Fatigue / Fibromyalgia / Fluid Retention / High Blood Pressure / Hot Flashes / Insomnia / Light Sensitivity / Migraine / Neurological Issues / Numbness / Pain / Palpitations / Rapid Heartbeat / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Swelling / Temperature Regulation Difficulty / Tingling / Tinnitus / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) / Tremors / Vision Issues / Weakness / Weight Gain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aneurysm / Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Edema / Heart Failure / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aneurysm / Brain Fog / Diastolic Dysfunction / Dizziness / Edema / Hyoid Bone Syndrome / Inflammation / May-Thurner Syndrome / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Speech Issues / Venous Insufficiency 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aneurysm / Inflammation Syndrome / Post-COVID Vaccine Vasculitis / Kawasaki Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aneurysm / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angina / Anxiety / Cardiac Issue / Hemorrhage / Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT) / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angina / Arrhythmia / Costochondritis / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angina / Erectile Dysfunction (ED) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angina / Non-St Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema / Aortic Regurgitation / Chest Pain / Mitral Valve Prolapse / Mitral Valve Regurgitation / Purpura 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema / Blood Clot / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Headache / Numbness / Pain / Pressure in head / Spasms / Tremors / Urticaria / Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema / Chronic Autoimmune Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema / Dermatitis / Tachycardia / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema / Dermatographia / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema / Heart Issues / Injection Site Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema / Hives 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema / Hives / Rash / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema / Hives / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Angioedema / Urticaria 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Anhidrosis / Burning / Immune Mediated Neuropathy / Pain / Petechiae / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Spasms / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anisocoric / Bell's Palsy / Double Vision / Low Blood Pressure / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ankylosing Spondylitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Anti-Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase Antibody (GAD-ab)-associated Cerebellar Ataxia / Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) / Anxiety / Elevated C-Reactive Protein / Elevated Sedimentation Rate / Fatigue / Inflammation / Menstrual Issues / Nausea / Shoulder Injury / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) / Autoimmune Problems / Fatigue / Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) / Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) / Fibromyalgia / Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) / Polymyalgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Antinuclear Antibodies (ANA) / Shoulder Pain / Swelling / Vitiligo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Antiphospholipid Syndrome (APS) / Ataxia / Blood Clot / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Antiphospholipid Syndrome / Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Exhaustion / Fasciculations / Hypotension / Inflammation / Neurological Issues / Numbness / Pain / Polychondritis / Sinus Tachycardia / Stiffness / Tingling / Undifferentiated Mixed Connective Tissue Disease / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Antiphospholipid Syndrome / Multiple Myleoma / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Appetite Issues / Brain Fog / Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome / Cognitive Difficult / Depression / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Sleep Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Appetite Loss / Burning 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Appetite Loss / Chest Pain / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Sleep Issue / Weakness / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Arm Pain / Arrhythmia / Arthralgia / Brain Fog / Chills / Cognitive Difficulty / Cramps / Fatigue / Headache / Insomnia / Nausea / Neuropathy / Pain / Palpitations / Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Arm Pain / Arthritis / Burning / Memory Loss / Pain / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Arm Pain / Blisters / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Numbness / Pain / Swelling / Tingling / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Arthritis / Autoimmune Problems / Confusion / Depression / Fibromyalgia / Inability to Focus / Inflammation / Memory Loss / Pain / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Asthma / Depression / Dysautonomia / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Neuropathy / Pericarditis / Post Covid Vaccine Syndrome / Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Vertigo / Vestibular Neuritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Atrial Enlargement / Depression / Lowered Testosterone / Sinus Bradycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Thyroiditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Autoimmune Disease / Cervical Radiculopathy / Depression / Dysphagia / Eczema / Pain / Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Autoimmune Disorder / Inflammation / Peripheral Neuropathy / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Hair Loss / Memory Loss / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Speech Issues / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (Lupus) / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Balance Issues / Heart Palpitations / Insomnia / Neurological Issues / Noise Sensitivity / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Spasms / Tachycardia / Tinnitus / Tremors / Vision Issues / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Bedridden / Brain Fog / Difficulty Standing / Difficulty Swallowing / Difficulty Walking / Itching / Rash / Swelling / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Bedridden / Difficulty Breathing / Sleep Issue / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Bell's Palsy / Depression 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Blood Clot / Chest Pain / Confusion / Dizziness / Fatigue / Inability to Walk / Myocarditis / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Blood Clot / Depression / Dry Mouth / Fatigue / Headache / Menstrual Issues / Night Sweat / Palpitations / Post Exertional Malaise (PEM) / Tachycardia / Tingling / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Blood Pressure Issue / Brain Fog / Burning / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Headache / Neuropathy / Palpitations / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Tachycardia / Urinary Problem / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Blood Pressure Issues / Depression / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issues / Insomnia / Pain / Neuropathy / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Blurred Vision / Chest Pain / Chest Pressure / Cognitive Difficulty / High Blood Pressure / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Bradycardia / Cognitive Difficulty / Compartment Syndrome / COMT Gene Mutation / Degenerative Disc Disease / Depression / Dysautonomia / Factor V Leiden / Gastritis / Hereditary Alpha Tryptasemia / Hiatal Hernia / Hypercholesterolemia / Hypermobility Syndrome / Hypertension / Interstital Cystitis / Johanson-Blizzard Syndrome (JBS) / Lesion / Lung Nodules / Menstrual Issues / Mitral Valve Regurgitation / MTHFR Mutation / Osteoarthritis (OA) / Pain / Parasomnia / Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) / Scoliosis / Sinus Arrhythmia / Sleep Apnea / Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) / Thyroid Goiter / Venous Insufficiency 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Breathing Difficulty / Chest Pain / Headache / High Blood Pressure / Hives / Increased Heart Rate / Injection Site Pain / Itching / Nausea / Rash / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Bursitis / Dizziness / Fatigue / Hair Loss / Headache / Muscle Pain / Nausea / Thyroiditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Chest Pressure / Confusion / Shaking / Tinnitus / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Dysautonomia / Elevated Heart Rate / Fatigue / Fibromyalgia / Headache / Inflammation / Insomnia / Menstrual Issues / Numbness / Pain / Panic Attacks / Postural / Stiffness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Digestive Issues / Dysautonomia / Fatigue / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Hives / HPA Axis Dysregulation / Insomnia / Panic Attacks / Peripheral / Tendonitis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Memory Loss / Tremors / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Headache / Irritability / Mobility Issues / Nosebleed / Numbness / Pain / Rash / Swelling / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Depression / Fatigue / High Blood Pressure / Low Heart Rate / Palpitations / Shingles / Tremors / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Depression / Nervous System Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Diarrhea / Hearing Loss / Tinnitus / Vision Issues / Vomiting / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Elevated Liver Enzymes / Fatigue / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Hypoglycemia / Nausea / Syncope / Transaminitis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Migraine / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Burning / Depression / Dizziness / Headache / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Burred Vision / Depression / Dizziness / Headache / Nausea / Palpitations / Rapid Heart Rate / Temperature Sensitivity / Tremors / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST) / Depression / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain / Cough / Depersonalization-Derealization Disorder / Depression / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Dry Eye / Erectile Dysfunction (ED) / Fatigue / Hair Loss / Hallucination / Headache / Heart Issues / Light Sensitivity / Loss of taste/smell / Memory Loss / Muscle Pain / Pain / Palpitations / Respiratory Issue / Seizures / Shortness of Breath / Sleep Issue / Tiredness / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain / Depression / Difficulty Walking / Disequilibrium / Leg pain / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain / Depression / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain / Depression / Headache / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain / Depression / Neuropathy / Pericarditis / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain / Dermatographia / Hives / Sleep Issue / Ulcerative Colitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain / Headache / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure / Insomnia / Night Sweats / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Chest Pain / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Mobility Issues / Myelopathy / Numbness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Headache / Hearing Loss / Pain / Shoulder Pain / Swelling / Tinnitus / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Headache / Inflammatory Lipomatosis / Mobility Issues / Numbness / Photophobia / Rapid Heartbeat / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Cognitive Difficulty / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Depression 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Depression / Diabetes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Depression / Epilepsy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Depression / Facial Paralysis / Hearing Loss / Loss of taste/smell / Migraine / Vision Loss / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Depression / Migraine / Tinnitus / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Depression / Panic Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Depression / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Diabetes / Difficulty Breathing / Fever / Heart Issues / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Diplopia / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Numbness / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia / Tingling / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Dizziness / Headache / High Blood Pressure / Mobility Issues / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Dizziness / Headache / Lipoma / Numbness / Pain / Sore Throat / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Dizziness / Headache / Myocarditis / Neuropathy / Rash / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Fatigue / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Inflammation / Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) / Muscle Pain / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Fatigue / High Blood Pressure / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Fatigue / Irregular Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Fever / Mobility Issues / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Fever / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / High Blood Pressure / Immune Disorder / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / High Blood Pressure / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Hyperhidrosis / Irregular Blood Pressure / Irregular Heartbeat / Pyrexia / Rash / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Hyperthyroidism / Vomiting / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Inflammation / Insomnia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Insomnia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Mental Health Issue / Shaking 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Migraine / Stress 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Myocarditis / Panic Attack / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath / Syncope / Ventricle Dilation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Myocarditis / Panic Attack / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Stress 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Myocarditis / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Nausea / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Pain / Stress 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Palpitations / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Sleep Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Anxiety / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aortic (Plural) Thrombosis / Blood Clot / Cardiac Arrest 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aortic Aneurysm / Aortic Regurgitation / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Hemoptysis / Pericarditis / Pleurisy / Pulmonary Embolus / Renal Failure / Respiratory failure / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aortic Aneurysm / Heart Valve Leakage / Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia / Aphonia / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Paralysis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia / Apraxia / Ischemic Stroke / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia / Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Demyelinating Disease / Fatigue / Fever / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia / Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia / Blurred Vision / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Cough / Decreased Heart Rate / Decreased Oxygen Saturation / Fatigue / Fever / Pain / Paresthesia / Pneumonia / Rash / Swelling / Temperature Regulation Difficulty / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia / Bradycardia / Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Diplacusis / Hearing Loss / Inflammation / Lesion / Migraine / Sleep Apnea / Speech Issues / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia / Cognitive Difficulty / Migraine / Neurological Issues / Paresthesia / Photophobia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia / Functional Neurologic Disorder / Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia / Migraine / Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody Disorders (MOGAD) / Optic Neuritis / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aphasia / Paralysis / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aplastic Anemia 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Apnea / Bradycardia / Heart Rate Variability (HRV) / Neurological Issues / Stroke / Syncope / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendectomy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis 27
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis / Bleeding 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis / Coma / Diabetes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis / Cough 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis / Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleed / Peritonitis / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis / Miscarriage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appendicitis / Sepsis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Apraxia / Brain Fog / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Heart Issues / Mental Health Issue / Nausea / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Balance Issues / Chills / Fever / Headache / Inflammation / Lethargy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Blurred Vision / Fainting / Fatigue / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Brain Fog / Enlarged Lymph Nodes / Headache / Liver Injury / Neuropathy / Rash / Sleep Issue / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Brain Fog / Fatigue / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Cough / Difficulty Breathing / Headache / Mobility Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Death / Inability to Focus / Lethargy / Tiredness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Dehydration / Diarrhea / Fever / Headache / Nausea / Sweating / Temperature Regulation Difficulty / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Diarrhea / Fatigue / Lightheadedness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Diarrhea / Malnutrition / Nausea / Vomiting / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Difficulty Breathing / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Difficulty Breathing / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Dizziness / Headache / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Dizziness / Palpitations / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Fever / Headache / Hematuria / Malaise / Muscle Pain / Nausea / Soreness / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Mobility Issues / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Appetite Loss / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury 19
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Blurred Vision / Insomnia / Muscle Pain / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Brain Fog / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Difficulty Walking / Inflammation / Myopathy / Rash / Swelling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Epilepsy / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Neck pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Neuropathy / Pain / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / Shoulder Pain 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm / Shoulder Injury / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury 42
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Arm Pain / Rash / Sleep Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Atrophy / Fasciculation / Fatigue / Irregular Blood Pressure / Rapid Heartbeat / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Dizziness / Headache / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Enlarged Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Fatigue / Mobility Issues / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Kidney Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Requester Submitted Injury 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Rotator Cuff Tear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Shoulder Injury 22
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Injury / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Neuritis / Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Myocarditis / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Numbness / Chest Pressure / Cramps 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain 86
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Arthritis / Depression / Pain / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) / Burning / Chills / Night Sweat / Numbness / Pain / Swelling / Temperature Sensitivity / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Atrophy / Bleeding / Injection Site Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Autoimmune Disease / Balance Issues / Chest Pain / Cognitive Difficulty / Fall / Fatigue / Headache / Heart Issues / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Back pain / Brain Fog / Fatigue / Headache / Left Atrial Enlargement (LAE) / Neck pain / Osteoarthritis (OA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Back pain / Chest Pain / Swelling / Transverse Myelitis / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Balance Issues / Fluid Retention / Mobility Issues / Numbness / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Bleeding / Muscle Spasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Blisters / Fatigue / Neck pain / Numbness / Rash / Scarring / Sleep Issue / Tingling / Vision Issues / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Blood Clot / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fainting / Fatigue / Headache / Heart Attack / Muscle Pain / Muscle Weakness / Shortness of Breath / Tiredness / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Blood Clot / Chest Pain / Facial Paralysis / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Blood Clot / Heart Attack / Mobility Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Blood Clot / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Blurred Vision / Burning / Cramps / Fatigue / Nosebleed / Numbness / Shortness of Breath / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Blurred Vision / Numbness / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Brachial Plexus Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Brain Fog / Headache / Insomnia / Migraine / Pain / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Brain Fog / Headache / Night Sweat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Brain Fog / Leg pain / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Burning / Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Difficulty Walking / Headache / Joint Stiffness / Loss of Smell / Nosebleed / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Burning / Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Bursitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Bursitis / Rotator Cuff Tear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Bursitis / Shoulder Impingement Syndrome / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Epicondylitis / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Chest Pressure / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Chills / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Congestion / Cough / Diarrhea / Inflammation / Nausea / Palpitations / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Decreased Appetite / Difficulty Breathing / Fatigue / Flu Like Symptoms / High Blood Pressure / Injection Site Swelling / Pericardial Effusion / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Neuropathy / Noise Sensitivity / Numbness / Pain / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Fatigue / High Blood Pressure / Palpitations / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Heart Attack / Myocarditis / Nausea / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Heart Issues / Injection Site Pain / Menstrual Issues / Pain / Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) / Prediabetes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Myocardial Infarction / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Chest Pain / Pain / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Drowsiness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Confusion / Dizziness / Fever / Headache / Inability to Focus / Pain / Palpitations / Vertigo / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Cyst / Inflammation / Mobility Issues / Rash / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Inflammation / Neurovascular Damage / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Difficulty Walking / Fatigue / Sensory Problem / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Disequilibrium / Shoulder Pain / Tingling / Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Dizziness / High Blood Pressure / Hot Flashes / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Elbow Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Fatigue / Headache / Itching / Mobility Issues / Muscle Pain / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Swelling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Fatigue / Headache / Pain / Swelling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Fatigue / Joint Stiffness / Leg pain / Lightheadedness / Muscle Pain / Soreness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Fatigue / Pain / Polyneuropathy / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Fever / Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Foraminal stenosis / Mobility Issues / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Headache 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Headache / Heart Issues / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Headache / Inflammation / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Headache / Injection Site Pain / Shoulder Pain / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Headache / Neurological Issues / Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / High Blood Pressure / Lipoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Hives / Shoulder Pain / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Infection / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Injection Site Injury / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Injection Site Pain / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Itching / Swelling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Leg pain / Numbness / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Leg pain / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Loss Use of Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Lymphedema / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Mobility Issues 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Mobility Issues / Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Mobility Issues / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Mobility Issues / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Muscle Pain / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Muscle Pain / Sleep Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Myocarditis / Pain / Pericarditis / Shoulder Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Neck pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Neck pain / Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Nerve Damage / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Neuralgia / Neurological Issues / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Numbness 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Numbness / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Numbness / Swelling / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Numbness / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Numbness / Weakness 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Pain 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Requester Submitted Injury 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Shoulder Injury / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Shoulder Pain 26
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Shoulder Pain / SIRVA 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Shoulder Pain / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Shoulder Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Subacromial Bursitis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Swelling / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Swelling / Tendonitis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Vaccine Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Soreness / Pain / Shoulder Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / Blood Clot / Flu Like Symptoms / Nausea / Requester Submitted Injury / Sweating / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / Brain Fog / Depression / Exhaustion / Fever / Pain / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / Brain Fog / Neurological Issues / Sleep Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / Chest Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / Cyst 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / High Blood Pressure / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / Hives / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / Itching / Numbness / Pain / Sleep Issue / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / Myocarditis / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arm Swelling / Pain / Swelling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Arnold-Chiari malformation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Arthralgia / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Myocarditis / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Blood Clot / Heart Arrhythmia / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Brain Fog / Fatigue / Headache / Numbness / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Chest Pain / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Dyspnea / Hyperhidrosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Inflammation / Scarring 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Irregular Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Rapid Heartbeat / Shoulder Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Requester Submitted Injury / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Sinus Tachycardia / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) / Syncope / Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmia / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arrhythmias / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Exhaustion / Pain / Pericardial Infusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arterial Injury / Blood Clot / Hyperaldosteronism / Hypertension / Kidney Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arterial Injury / Thromboembolism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arterial Insufficiency / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arterial Occlusion / Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arteritis / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arteritis / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthralgia / Chest Tightness / Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) / Rash / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis 21
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Asthma / Chest Pain / Costochondritis / Difficulty Breathing / Headache / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Autoimmune Disease / Inflammation / Pain / Palindromic Rheumatism (PR) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Bleeding / Chills / Diarrhea / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Insomnia / Loss of taste/smell / Nausea / Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Fatty liver disease / High Blood Pressure / Light Sensitivity / Neuropathy / Rash / Sleep Apnea / Weight Gain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Bursitis / Pain / Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Lightheadedness / Migraine / Neuropathy / Numbness / Pain / Vision Loss / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Cognitive Difficulty / Graves Disease / Hashimoto's Disease / Inflammation / Insomnia / Meningioma / Pain / Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / COVID-19 Infection / Pain / Palpitations / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Cyst 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Fatigue / Ocular Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Headache / Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Inflammation / Pain / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Arthritis / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Aseptic Meningitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma 7
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Pain / Fever / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Blood Clot / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Muscle Weakness / Nausea / Pericarditis / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) / Rash / Respiratory Issue / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Brain Fog / Colitis / Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) / Migraine / Sclerosing Mesenteritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Inflammation / Liver Injury / Lymphoid Hyperplasia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Fatigue 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Lung Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Mucous Stool / Rash / Vomiting / Wheezing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Asthma / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ataxia 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Ataxia / Balance Issues / Blurred Vision / Headache / Tremors / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ataxia / Balance Issues / Cervical Radiculopathy / Dysarthria / Hearing Loss / Vocal Cord Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ataxia / Balance Issues / Difficulty Concentrating / Dysarthria / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ataxia / Black Stools / Brain Fog / Double Liver Enzymes / Edema / Fatty Liver / High Sympathetic Tone / Large Fiber Neuropathy / Left Atrial Inflammation / Memory Problems / Rash / Rectal Bleeding / Reflex Hypotension / Sensory Problem / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Tachycardia / Tinnitus / Vaginal Bleeding / Vestibular System Stopped 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ataxia / Cerebellar Hemorrhage / Stroke / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ataxia / Chest Spasm / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Itching / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ataxia / Degenerative Disc Disease / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Myalgia / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ataxia / Dysphagia / Tinnitus / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atelectasis / Cardiomegaly / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atopic Dermatitis (Eczema) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Enlargement / Atrium Infarction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) 37
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Atrial Flutter 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Atrial Flutter / High Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Autoimmune Disease / Graves Disease / Hospitalized / Hyperthyroidism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Blood Clot / Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Blood Clot / Headache / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Brain bleed 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Broken Bone / Chills / Concussion / Dizziness / Fever / Nausea / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Bundle Branch Block / Heart Arrhythmia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Cardiogenic Shock / Pericardial Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Cardiomyopathy / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Cardiomyopathy / Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Cerebellar Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Chest Pressure / Dizziness / Heart Palpitations / Vertigo / Rapid Heartbeat / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Colovaginal Fistula / Heart Failure / Interstitial Lung Disease / Pulmonary Hypertension / Tachycardia / Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Death / Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Difficulty Breathing / Fluid Retention / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Difficulty Breathing / Heart Palpitations / High Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Diplopia / Dysarthria / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Paralysis / Vision Issues / Vocal Cord Dysfunction / Weakness / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Dizziness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Dyspnea / Palpitations / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Heart Failure / Kidney Failure / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Heart Issues / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Hypoxia / Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis (MVT) / Necrotizing Pancreatitis (NP) / Orthostatic Hypertension / Respiratory Failure / Sepsis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Ischemic Stroke / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Myocarditis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Organ Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Pain / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Palpitations / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Palpitations / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) with Rapid Ventricular Response (RVR) / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Fibrillation (A-Fib) with Rapid Ventricular Response (RVR) / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Flutter 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Flutter / Dizziness / Fatigue / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Flutter / Elevated Blood Pressure / Elevated Heart Rate / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrial Flutter / Palpitations / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrioventricular (AV) Block 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrophy / Balance Issues / Numbness / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrophy / Bladder Issues / Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Dizziness / Fatigue / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Orthostatic Intolerance / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Tachycardia / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Atrophy / Muscle Weakness / Pain / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autism / Brain Fog / Emotional Distress / Neurological Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Anemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Autonomic Ganglionopathy (AAG) / Chest Pain / Difficulty Swallowing / Elevated Troponin Enzyme / Gastrointestinal Dysmotility Disorder / Muscle Weakness / Pericarditis / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Protein Calorie Malnutrition (PCM) / Shortness of Breath / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Back pain / Sciatica 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Ischemic Demyelination / Lymphedema / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Fatigue / Hair Loss / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Fatigue / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Kidney Failure / Liver Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Neuropathy / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Mental Health Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Myopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disease / Tinnitus / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disorder / Colitis / Heart Palpitations / Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Disorder / Fatigue / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Encephalitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Encephalitis / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Encephalitis / Fatigue / Headache / Twitching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) / Heart Attack / Thrombocytopenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Hepatitis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Hepatitis / Elevated Liver Enzymes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Hepatitis / Kidney Failure / Liver Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Hepatitis / Liver Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Illness / Dysautonomia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Inflammatory Bowel Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (AIED) / Hearing Loss / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease (AIED) / Sensorineural hearing loss / Tinnitus / Vertigo / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Lupus Nephritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Neutropenia Disease / Nephrotic Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Problems 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Problems / Dizziness / Heart Issues / Nausea / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Problems / Headache / Inflammation / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Problems / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Problems / Inability to Walk / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Problems / Myalgia Encephalomyelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Problems / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Reaction 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Reaction / Blood Pressure Issue / Bruising / Heart Issues / Pain / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Reaction / Brain Fog / Fatigue / Fibromyalgia / Hives / Inflammation / Sjogren's Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Reaction / Burning / Cognitive Difficulty / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Tremors / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Reaction / Macular Neurocristopathy / Retinal Hemorrhages / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Reaction / No Medical Diagnosis Provided / Polyneuropathy / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Reaction / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Steroid Responsive Encephalopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Thyroiditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Thyroiditis / Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Fever / Graves Disease / Headache / Lethargy / Lightheadedness / Migraine / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autoimmune Thyroiditis / Blurred Vision / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autonomic Nervous System Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction / Cognitive Difficulty / Dysautonomia / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction / Dizziness / Fatigue / Low Blood Pressure / Malaise / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Migraine / Neuralgia / Numbness / Paresthesia / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Tachycardia / Temperature Sensitivity / Tremors / Vertigo / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autonomic Neuropathy / Bloating / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Pain / Rash / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Autonomic Neuropathy / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Cognitive Difficulty / Cough / Fever / Fibromyalgia / Migraine / Pain / Rapid Heartbeat / Rash / Shortness of Breath / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Axilla Mass / Metastatic Carcinoma / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Blood Clot / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Burning 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Bursitis / Elbow Pain / Neck pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Chest Pain / Cough / Difficulty Breathing / Inflammation / Leg pain / Peripheral Neuropathy / Sciatica 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Neuropathy / Sepsis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Eye Floaters / Headache / Leg pain / Memory Loss / Swelling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Dizziness / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Migraine / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Requester Submitted Injury / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Back pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bacterial Meningitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bacterial Spinal Meningitis / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Bell's Palsy / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Mobility Issues / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Blood Clot / Incontinence / Renal Failure / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Burning / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Hair Loss / Heart Arrhythmia / Hepatomegaly (Enlarged Liver) / Inflammation / Palpitations / Rash / Tingling / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Heat Sensitivity / Low Blood Pressure / Menstrual Issues / Migraine / Numbness / Palpitations / Tingling / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Fatigue / Numbness / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Fever / Myalgia / Neurological Issues / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Headache / Neuropathy / Vision Issues / Vitiligo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Brain Fog / Migraine / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Brain Injury / Cardiac Arrest / Cognitive Difficulty / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Burning / Dizziness / Dry Eye / Hair Loss / Hearing Loss / Neurological Issues / Numbness / Orthostatic Hypotension / Rash / Tingling / Tinnitus / Tremors / Vision Issues / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Burning / Dizziness / Nerve Damage / Numbness / Nystagmus / Pain / Vertigo / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Bursitis / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Miscarriage / Pain / Sleep Apnea / Swelling / Urinary Problem 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Headache / Shoulder Pain / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Cognitive Difficulty / Death / Hearing Loss / Heart Damage / Mobility Issues / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Slurred Speech 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Cognitive Difficulty / Neurological Issues / Speech Issues / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Difficulty Walking / Fatigue / Hair Loss / Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS) / Multiple Myeloma / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Difficulty Walking / Myopathy / Pain / Peripheral Neuropathy / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Difficulty Walking / Polyneuropathy / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Dizziness / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / High Blood Pressure / Inflammation / Mobility Issues / Myalgia / Numbness / Pain / Speech Issues / Vertigo / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Dizziness / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Dizziness / Headache / Hot Flashes / Low Blood Pressure / Numbness / Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Dizziness / Headache / Paralysis / Vertigo / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Dizziness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Dizziness / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Fibromyalgia / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Headache / Polyneuropathy / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Headache / Tinnitus / Tremors / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Loss Use of Arm / Multiple Sclerosis (MS) / Pain / Vision Issues / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Menstrual Issues / Sleep Issue / Vitiligo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Mobility Issues / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Muscle Pain / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Muscle Weakness / Numbness / Speech Issues / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Numbness / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Reduced Stamina 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Temperature Sensitivity 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Balance Issues / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine B-Cell Lymphoma 3
COVID-19 Vaccine B-Cell Lymphoma / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bedridden / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Cognitive Difficulty / Dysautonomia / Fatigue / Lethargy / Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) / Post Exertional Malaise (PEM) / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy 91
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Blurred Vision / Dizziness / Pain / Twitching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Neurological Issues / Noise Sensitivity / Pain / Ramsay Hunt Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Brain Fog / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Dizziness / Dysautonomia / Fatigue / Migraine / Occipital Neuralgia / Paresthesia / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Tinnitus / Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) / Vertigo / Vestibular Neuritis / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) / Headache / High Blood Pressure / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) / Isaac Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Cognitive Difficulty / Insomnia / Migraine / Tinnitus / Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Confusion / Headache / Hearing Loss / Memory Loss / Nausea / Numbness / Slurring Words / Tingling / Tinnitus / Vertigo / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Conjunctivitis / Thrombocytopenia / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Corneal Abrasions / Loss Of Taste / Numbness / Pain / Paralysis / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Cytokine Storm / Headache / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Disfigurement 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Dizziness / Fainting / Loss of taste/smell / Memory Loss / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Facial Paralysis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Facial Paralysis / Headache / Numbness / Pain / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (Lupus) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Facial Paralysis / Vertigo / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Meningitis / Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Heart Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / High Blood Pressure / Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Migraine / Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Ramsay Hunt Syndrome 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Sensorineural hearing loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Slurring Words / Vision Loss / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bell's Palsy / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Benign Fasciculation Syndrome (BFS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Biapical Fibrosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bilateral segmental / Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bipolar Disorder / Migraine / Nerve Damage / Pain / Polyneuropathy / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) / Shortness of Breath / Sleep Issue / Suicidal Thoughts / Tinnitus / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bipolar Disorder / Suicide 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bladder Issues / Blood Pressure Issues / Breathing Difficulty / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Mobility Issues / Pain / Paralysis / Rapid Heartbeat / Speech Issues / Tingling / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bladder Issues / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Lethargy / Pain / Rapid Heartbeat / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bladder Issues / Nausea / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bladder Issues / Numbness / Pain / Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Blood Clot / Edema / Necrosis / Sarcoidosis / Seizures / Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Heart Issues / Menstrual Issues / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath / Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Cognitive Difficulty / Physical Disability 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Colitis / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pain / Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Diarrhea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Ectopic Pregnancy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Headache / Osteoarthritis (OA) / Shaking / Sweating / Tremors / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Lupus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Menstrual Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Menstrual Issues / Numbness / Tinnitus / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Miscarriage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Mobility Issues / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Mouth Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Skinspot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Sores / Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bleeding / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Bullous Pemphigoid / Depression / Edema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Bullous Pemphigoid / Hives / Itching / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Burning 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Burning / Injection Site Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Burning / Itching / Psoriasis / Redness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Burning / Itching / Rash / Redness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Burning / Light Sensitivity / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Fatigue / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Fever / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Fluid Retention / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Heart Attack / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Swelling / Swollen Throat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / High Blood Pressure / Itching / Kidney Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Internal Bleeding 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Itching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Pain / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blisters / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bloating / Chest Pain / Fatigue / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bloating / Cyst / Inflammation / Ulcerative Colitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bloating / Difficulty Swallowing / Headache / Low Blood Pressure / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bloating / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood blister / Chest Pain / Constipation / Diplopia / Eczema / Fatigue / Fibromyalgia / Hypertensive Crisis / Migraine / Neuropathy / Orthostatic Hypertension / Paralysis / Pericarditis / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot 140
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Blood Pressure Issue / Brain Fog / Diarrhea / Dizziness / Dysautonomia / Fainting / Fatigue / Headache / Heart Issues / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Menstrual Issues / Muscle Pain / Rash / Temperature Regulation Difficulty / Tinnitus / Tremors / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Brain bleed / Death / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Brain Fog / Diarrhea / Fever / Infection / Rash / Swelling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Brain Fog / Edema / Fatigue / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Brain Fog / Encephalitis / Hair Loss / Hypersensitivity / Kidney Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Brain Fog / Lethargy / Pulmonary Thromboembolic Disease / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Brain Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Burning / Chest Pain / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome / Cognitive Difficulty / Headache / Heart Palpitations / Heat Intolerance / Long COVID / Malaise / Polyneuropathy / Rash / Shortness Of Breath / Sleep Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Cardiac Arrest / Cognitive Difficulty / Mobility Issues / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Renal Failure / Stroke / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Cardiac Edema / Difficulty Breathing / Facial Paralysis / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Sclerosing Mesenteritis / Thrombophlebitis / Vascular Issue / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Cardiac Issue / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Cerebellar Hemorrhage / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Cerebral Infarction Sequelae / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Chest Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Fatigue / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Chest Pain / Fever / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure / Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Chest Pain / Hives / Indigestion / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Chest Pain / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Chest Pain / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Chills / Fatigue / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Cognitive Difficulty 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Cognitive Difficulty / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Edema / Muscle Spasm / Pain / Paralysis / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Cough / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Death 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Difficulty Breathing / Flu Like Symptoms / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Infection / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Ischemic Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pain / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Respiratory Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Demyelinating Neuropathy / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Dermatographia / Itching / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Dermatomyositis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Dialysis / End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) / Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure / Kidney Failure / Liver Failure / Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Vaccine Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Difficulty Breathing 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Difficulty Breathing / Heart Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Difficulty Breathing / Heart Failure / Pulmonary Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Difficulty Breathing / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Difficulty Swallowing / Hallucination 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Difficulty Walking / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Dizziness / Facial Palsy / Pressure in head 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Dizziness / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Dizziness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Dizziness / Stroke / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Dural Venous Sinus Thrombosis (DVST) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Edema / Enlarged Heart 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Edema / Infection / Pain / Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Edema / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Embolism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Enlarged Heart / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Fainting / Fatigue / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Fall / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Fatigue / Heart Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Fatigue / Lupus / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Fever / Nephritis (Kidney Inflammation) / Septic Gallbladder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Gangrene / Pain / Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) / Soreness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Gastrointestinal Issues / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Headache / Shortness of Breath / Swelling / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Heart Arrhythmia / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Heart Attack 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Heart Attack / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Heart Failure / Kidney Failure / Lupus / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Heart Failure / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Heart Inflammation 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Heart Issues 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Heart Issues / Pneumonia / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / High Blood Pressure 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / High Blood Pressure / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Inflammation / Lupus / Seizures / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Internal Bleeding 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Irregular Bleeding 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Ischemic Colitis / Pulmonary Vein Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Ischemic Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Kidney Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Leg pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Limited Mobility / Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Lymphoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Menstrual Issues 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Mental Health Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Mobility Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Mucus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Myocardial Infarction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Non-St Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Numbness / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Orthostatic Hypertension / Sepsis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Pain 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Pain / Peeling / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Panic Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Paralysis / Paraplegia / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Pericardial Effusion / Pleural Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Pneumonia / Shortness of Breath / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Pulmonary Embolus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Pulmonary Embolus / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Pulmonary Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Requester Submitted Injury 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Respiratory Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Seizures 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Shortness of Breath 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Sjogren's Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Stroke 23
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Stroke / Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Swelling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Vaccine Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Vaccine Induced Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (VITT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Vision Issues 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Vision Loss 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Clot / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issue 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issue / Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Enlarged Lymph Nodes / Fatigue / Lightheadedness / Migraine / Mobility Issues / Neck pain / Numbness / Palpitations / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Shortness of Breath / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issue / Chest Pain / Palpitations / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issue / Cognitive Difficulty / Seizures / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issue / Difficulty Breathing / Fever / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issue / Dizziness / Nausea / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issue / Headache / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issue / Heart Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issue / Migraine / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issue / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issues / Brain Fog / Headache / Heart Palpitations / Tachycardia / Tingling / Tinnitus / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blood Pressure Issues / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Headache / Numbness / Pain / Palpitations / Tachycardia / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Pain / Paralysis / Speech Issues / Tinnitus / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Brain Fog / Confusion / Memory Loss / Mental Health Issue / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Burning / Hair Loss / Hives / Itching / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Cardiovascular Issue / Fatigue / Headache / Heart Issues / Malaise / Nausea / Numbness / Tinnitus / Twitching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Chills / Cognitive Difficulty / Elevated White Blood Cell Count / Fatigue / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Cognitive Difficulty / Difficulty Walking / Elevated D-Dimer / Fatigue / Insomnia / Numbness / Panic Attack / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Rash / Temperature Sensitivity / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Cramps / Diarrhea / Difficulty Standing / Nausea / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Diabetes / Hunger / Urinary Problem 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Diabetes / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Difficulty Breathing / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Dizziness / Headache / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Dizziness / Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Dizziness / Tinnitus / Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Eye Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Fatigue / Menstrual Issues / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Fever / Numbness / Slurred Speech / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Headache 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Hearing Loss / High Blood Pressure / Neuropathy / Pain / Tachycardia / Vestibular Neuritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Hives / Itching / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Hot Flashes / Muscle Stiffness / Paresthesia / Shortness of Breath / Syncope / Tachycardia / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Irregular Heartbeat / Migraine / Panic Attack / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Pain / Slurred Speech 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Palpitations / Soreness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Blurred Vision / Swelling in axillary 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bowel Issues / Numbness / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brachial Neuritis 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Brachial Neuritis / Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brachial Plexopathy 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Brachial Plexopathy / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brachial Plexus Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brachial Plexus Injury / Winged Scapula 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bradycardia 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Bradycardia / Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Neuropathy / Orthostatic Hypertension / Pain / Tachycardia / Tinnitus / Vasodilation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bradycardia / Bundle Branch Block / Chest Pain / Heart Issues / Mixed Hyperlipidemia / Palpitations / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bradycardia / Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Heart Arrhythmia / Myocarditis / Palpitations / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bradycardia / Eosinophilic Esophagitis / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bradycardia / Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bradycardia / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bradycardia / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bradycardia / Tachycardia / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain bleed 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain bleed / Brain Injury / Paralysis / Seizures / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain bleed / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain bleed / Grand Mal Seizure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain bleed / Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage / Stroke / Vaccine Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain bleed / Stroke / Temporary Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Breathing Difficulty / Cramps / Fatigue / Headache / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Burning / Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Fatigue / Headache / Mobility Issues / Numbness / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Burning / Dizziness / Fatigue / Pain / Palpitations / Polyps / Tingling / Vertigo / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cardiac Issue / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cardiomegaly / Chest Pain / Fatigue / Heart Issues / Muscle Pain / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cataracts / Chest Pain / Fatigue / Migraine / Muscle Spasm / Rapid Heartbeat / Requester Submitted Injury / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Demyelinating Neuropathy / Digestive Problems / Dizziness / Fatigue / Light Sensitivity / Noise Sensitivity / Numbness / Nutcracker Syndrome / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Shortness of Breath / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Tingling / Tremors / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Muscle Weakness / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Headache / Heart Issues / Numbness / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia / Tingling / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Muscle Pain / Palpitations / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Dyspnea / Dysrhythmia / Encephalitis / Fibrin Clots 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Heartburn / Indigestion / Pain / Paresthesia / Tinnitus / Tremors / Xerostomia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chest Pressure / Diabetes / Fatigue / Headache / Heartburn / High Blood Pressure / Insomnia / Neuropathy / Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chills / Dizziness / Fever / Hives / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chills / Fatigue / Headache / Pain / Sore Throat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chills / Fatigue / Insomnia / Malaise / Tremors / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Confusion / Headache / Memory Loss / Pain / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Cramps / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Hearing Issues / Insomnia / Irregular Blood Pressure / Mobility Issues / Numbness / Paralysis / Paresthesia / Speech Issues / Tingling / Tinnitus / Tremors / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Exhaustion / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Diarrhea / Fatigue / Headache / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Fainting / Fatigue / Headache / Lightheadedness / Nausea / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Migraine / Neurological Issues / Pain / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Drowsiness / Fever / Nausea / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Hair Loss / Mobility Issues / Numbness / Pain / Rapid Heartbeat / Rash / Shortness of Breath / Speech Issues / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Headache / Neurological Issues / Rapid Heartbeat / Tinnitus / Weakness / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cognitive Difficulty / Seizures / Sleep Issue / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Congestion / Diarrhea / Swelling / Vomiting / Wheezing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cough / Diarrhea / Dysautonomia / Fatigue / Headache / Hives / Hypertension / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Rash / Shortness of Breath / Sore Throat / Swelling / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cough / Fatigue / Hair Loss / Hives / Itching / Muscle Weakness / Rash / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cough / Fatigue / Hypersensitivity / Inflammation / Kidney Failure / Muscle Weakness / Myalgia / Myocarditis / Neuralgia / Rash / Renal Failure / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / COVID Arm / Fatigue / Migraine / Numbness / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Sweating / Swelling / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Cytokine Storm / Fatigue / Tachycardia / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Depression / Fatigue / Lesion / Numbness / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Depression / Heart Issues / Muscle Pain / Pancreatitis / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Depression / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Depression / Myalgia / Paresthesia / Peripheral Neuropathy / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Diarrhea / Fever / Headache / Heart Issues / High Blood Pressure / Pain / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Difficulty Standing / Difficulty Walking / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Digestive Issues / Fatigue / Inflammation / Neurological Issues / Night Sweat / Palpitations / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Dry Mouth / Fibromyalgia / Insomnia / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Dysautonomia / Fainting / Fatigue / Nausea / Pain / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Dyspnea / Fatigue / Headache / Malaise / Orthostatic Intolerance / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fainted / Fatigue / Headache / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fainting / Irregular Heartbeat / Loss of Sensation / Muscle Pain / Nausea / Shoulder Pain / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Temperature Regulation Difficulty 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Tingling / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / High Blood Pressure / Memory Loss / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Migraine / Noise Sensitivity / Tingling / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Fatigue / Nausea / Post Exertional Malaise (PEM) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Headache / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Headache / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Hypertension / Tachycardia / Tingling / Tinnitus / Vertigo / Vitiligo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dizziness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dysautonomia / Fatigue / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Hair Loss / Headache / Insomnia / Light Sensitivity / Memory Loss / Menstrual Issues / Migraine / Muscle Pain / Nausea / Noise Sensitivity / Paresthesia / Tinnitus / Vestibular Dysfunction / Weakness / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dysautonomia / Fatigue / Numbness / Tachycardia / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Dyspnea / Lethargy / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Eczema / Migraine / Pain / Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) / Fatigue / Headache / Myocarditis / Numbness / Tinnitus / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Erectile Dysfunction (ED) / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fainting / Flu Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fainting / Memory Loss / Nervousness / Psoriasis / Shortness of Breath / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Heart Issues / Speech Issues / Stroke / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Giddiness / Headache / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Headache / Kidney Failure / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Headache / Mental Health Issue / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Headache / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Headache / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Inability to Walk / Numbness / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Incontinence / Insomnia / Neurological Issues / Pain / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Loss of Smell / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Memory Loss / Migraines 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Muscle Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Muscle Pain / Neuropathy / Pain / Vertigo / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Fatigue / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Hair Loss / Hives / Hyperinflammatory Immune Response / Loss of taste/smell / Myocarditis / Sweating / Tachycardia / Urticaria / Weight Gain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Headache / Memory Loss / Tinnitus / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Headache / Numbness / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Headache / Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Heart Attack / Heart Failure / Heart Issues / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Heart Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Heart Issues / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Inability to Focus / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Inability to Focus / Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Light Sensitivity / Migraine / Neurological Issues / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Muscle Pain / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Nerve Damage / Pain / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Nerve Damage / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Numbness / Tingling / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Parosmia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Fog / Vertigo 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Hemorrhage 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Injury 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Injury / Cerebellar Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Injury / Cognitive Difficulty 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Injury / Concussion / Post Concussion Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Injury / Heart Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Injury / Lesion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Injury / Moyamoya Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Injury / Requester Submitted Injury 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Injury / Seizures / Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Spots / Cardiac Arrest / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain Spots / Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Brain stem stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion (BRAO) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion (BRAO) / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion (BRAO) / Macular Edema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion (BRAO) / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breast Cancer 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Breast Cancer / Carcinoma / Metastatic Carcinoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breast Implant Rupture / Capsular Contracture / Swelling in axillary 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breast Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breast Mass 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breast Mass / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breathing Difficulty / Dialysis / Diarrhea / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breathing Difficulty / Rash / Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Breathlessness / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Broken Bone / Concussion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Broken Bone / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Broken Bone / Fainted / Heart Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Broken Bone / Fainting 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Broken Bone / Fall / Loss of Balance 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Broken Bone / Fever / Shaking 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Broken Bone / Infection / Low Platelets 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bronchitis / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Night Sweat / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bronchitis / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bronchitis / Pneumonia / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bronchospasm / Exertional Hypoxia / Itching / Shortness of Breath / Tingling / Wheezing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Chest Pain / Diarrhea / Fatigue / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Congestion / Cough / Tenderness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Difficulty Breathing / Fatigue / Headache / Heart Attack / Heart Issues / Myalgia / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Epilepsy / Headache / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Hair Loss / Redness / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Hives / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) / Internal Bleeding / Low White Blood Cell Count 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) / Menstrual Issues / Nosebleed / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Paresthesia / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bruising / Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bulging Discs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bullous Lichen Planus / Hives / Pruritus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bullous Pemphigoid 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Bundle Branch Block 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bundle Branch Block / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Rhabdomyolysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burkitt Lymphoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Cancer / Difficulty Breathing / Fatigue / Infection / Lymphadenopathy / Metastasis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Chest Pain / Diarrhea / Headache / Heart Palpitations / High Blood Pressure / Hypoesthesia / Injection Site Pain / Lymphadenopathy / Myalgia / Nausea / Numbness / Pain / Paresthesia / Seizure / Swelling / Tachycardia / Trigeminal Neuralgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Chest Pain / Dry Mouth / Hives / Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Chest Pain / Fainting / Inflammation / Insomnia / Migraine / Nausea / Tachycardia / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Chills / Eye Injury / Fever / Itching / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Cramps / Fatigue / Numbness / Tremors / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Difficulty Walking 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Difficulty Walking / Dizziness / Headache / Leg pain / Sleep Issue / Spasms / Transverse Myelitis / Urinary Problem 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Difficulty Walking / Numbness / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Dry Eye / Dry Mouth / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Ear Pain / Nerve Damage / Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Enlarged Lymph Nodes / Inflammation / Pain / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Fainted 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Fibromyalgia / Muscle Spasm / Numbness / Pain / Swelling / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Flu Like Symptoms / Pain / Soreness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Paresthesia / Thrush / Tingling / Tinnitus / Twitching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Headache / Itching / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Headache / Numbness / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / High Blood Pressure / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Tightness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Hives / Palpitations / Swelling / Welts 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Inflammation / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Injection Site Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Itching / Plaque Psoriasis / Scarring 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Itching / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Neuralgia / Pain / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Neurological Issues / Numbness / Peripheral Neuropathy / Tingling / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Neuropathy / Paralysis / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Numbness / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Numbness / Paresthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Occipital Neuralgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Pain 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Pain / Paresthesia / Temperature Regulation Difficulty / Tingling / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Pain / Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Pain / Ulcer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Burning / Tingling / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Epicondylitis / Fasciculation / Neuropathy / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Muscle Weakness / Pain / Rotator Cuff Tear / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Rotator Cuff Pain / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Rotator Cuff Tear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Shoulder Bursitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Shoulder Impingement Syndrome / Shoulder Pain / Tendinosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Shoulder Injury / Synovitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Shoulder Injury / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Shoulder Pain 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / Shoulder Pain / Sleep Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Bursitis / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine C Diff Infection / Colitis / Gastritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine C Diff Infection / Pancolitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Caliban 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cancer 7
COVID-19 Vaccine Cancer / Coughing / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cancer / Lymphoid Hyperplasia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cancer / Pericardial Effusion / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Capgras syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Carcinoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Carcinoma / Tumor 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Ablation / Endometrial Ablation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest 15
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest / Cardiomyopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest / Cognitive Difficulty 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest / Death 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest / Dialysis / Intubation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest / Fainting / Presyncope / Syncope / Vasovagal Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest / Hearing Loss / Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest / Heart Issues / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrest / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrhythmia 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrhythmia / Cardiomyopathy / Heart Failure / Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrhythmia / Cardiomyopathy / Heart Issues / Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrhythmia / Chest Pain / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrhythmia / Fever / Polycythemia / Swollen Lymph Nodes / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Arrhythmia / Heart Damage / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Autoimmune Condition 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Edema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Injury / Embolism / Hypokalemia / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Issue 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Issue / Cardiomyopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Issue / Fatigue / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (Lupus) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Issue / Heart Attack / Hypertension / Pain / Palpitations / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Issue / Heart Issues / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Issue / Heart Valve Leakage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Issue / Neurologic Deterioration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Syncope / Chest Pain / Dizziness / Fatigue / Light Sensitivity 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiac Tamponade 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomegaly / Chest Pain / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomegaly / Kidney Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy 10
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Cellulitis / Edema / Heart Failure / Hypotension / Ulcer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Chest Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Chest Pressure / Cough / Difficulty Walking / Fatigue / Heart Edema / Heart Failure / Shortness of Breath / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Sleep Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Heart Arrhythmia / Heart Failure / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Heart Failure 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Myocardial Infarction / Non Ischemic Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Myocarditis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Non Ischemic Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiomyopathy / Pulmonary Embolus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiovagal Dysfunction / High Blood Pressure / Hypertension / Immune Mediated Functional Neurologic Syndrome / Neuropathy / Numbness / Post-ganglionic Sudomotor Dysfunction / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiovascular Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiovascular Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cardiovascular Issue / Insomnia / Migraine / Speech Issues / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Carotid Artery Dissection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Inflammation / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Neuropathy / Paresthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Carpal Tunnel Syndrome / Polymyositis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cataracts / Retina Tear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Catastrophic Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Intracranial Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cellulitis 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Cellulitis / Degeneration / Folliculitis / Infection / Nerve Damage / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cellulitis / Folliculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cellulitis / Folliculitis / Infection / Nerve Damage / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Diabetes Insipidus (CDI) / Pituitary Gland Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Nervous System Demyelinating Disease / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Retinal Vein Occlusion 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Retinal Vein Occlusion / Macular Edema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Retinal Vein Occlusion / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Retinal Vein Occlusion / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Retinal Vein Occlusion / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Scotoma / Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) / Optic Neuritis / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Sensitization Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Serous Chorioretinopathy / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Central Venous Sinus Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Artery Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Artery Stroke / Cerebral Infarction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Infarction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Infarction / Hemiparesis / Hemiplegia / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Palsy (CP) / Headache / Hypertension / Lightheadedness / Nausea / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) 37
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) / Paralysis / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) / Stroke 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST) 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST) / Headache / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST) / Occlusive Thrombus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST) / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebritis / Hyperactive Delirium / Low Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebrovascular Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebrovascular Disease / Ischemic Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cerebrovascular Disease / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cervical Radiculopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cervical Radiculopathy / Pain / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Heaviness / Fever / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain 56
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chest Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chest Pressure / Costochondritis / Enlarged Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chest Pressure / Fatigue / Shortness of Breath / Tightness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chest Pressure / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chest Swelling / Heart Issues / Numbness / Shortness of Breath / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chest Tightness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chest Tightness / Cough 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chest Tightness / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chills / Cough / Dizziness / Headache / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chills / Coughing / Fever / Numbness / Paresthesia / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chills / Diarrhea / Headache / Stomach Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chills / Dizziness / Fainting / Nausea / Palpitations / Rapid Heart Rate / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chills / Fever / Rash / Shortness of Breath / Swelling / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chills / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) / Liver Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Edema / Nausea / Pain / Ringing in Ears / Spasms / Tremors / Vison Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Migraine / Neurological Issues / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Light Sensitivity / Numbness / Premature Atrial Contractions (PACs) / Shortness of Breath / Tingling / Tinnitus / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Cognitive Difficulty / Headache / Nosebleed / Numbness / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Costochondritis / Eczema / Fatigue / Headache / Itching / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / COVID-19 Infection / Headache / Heart Issues / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Nausea / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pain / Pulmonary Embolus / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dehydration / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Difficulty Swallowing / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Lightheadedness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / High Blood Pressure / Nausea / Numbness / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Numbness / Palpitations / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Enlarged Lymph Nodes / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Exhaustion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Fatigue / Heart Attack / Insomnia / Nervousness / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Headache / Irregular Heartbeat / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Heart Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Loss of Balance / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Palpitations / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Ulcerative Colitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Palpitations / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Difficulty Walking / Fatigue / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Inflammatory Arthritis / Migraine / Muscle Pain / Nausea / Neuropathy / Nosebleed / Pain / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Dryness / Headache / Joint Stiffness / Migraine / Muscle Pain / Pain / Rash / Shortness of Breath / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Dyspnea / Fatigue / Lightheadedness / Numbness / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Fatigue / Migraine / Pain / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Fatigue / Pericardial Effusion / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Fever / Headache / Nausea / Shortness of Breath / Unresponsive / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Fever / Headaches / Nausea / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Headache / Migraine / Nausea / Numbness / Palpitations / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Headache / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Irregular Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Joint Pain / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Pain / Palpitations / Paralysis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Raynaud's Disease / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Shortness of Breath 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dizziness / Shortness of Breath / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dyspnea / Fatigue / Headache / Injection Site Injury / Migraine / Myocarditis / Nausea / Palpitations / Spasms / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Dyspnea / Myocarditis / Nausea / Pericarditis / Sciatica / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Elevated Liver Enzymes / High Blood Pressure / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fainting / Heart Issues / Kidney Failure / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fasciculation / Fatigue / Pain / Tachycardia / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fatigue 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fatigue / Headache / Heart Issues / Inflammation / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fatigue / Headache / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fatigue / IBS 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fatigue / Itching / Joint Stiffness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fatigue / Lightheadedness / Palpitations / Pericarditis / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fatigue / Pleurisy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fatigue / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fever / Headache / Muscle Ache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fever / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fever / Numbness / Shortness of Breath / Syncope / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Fibromyalgia / Migraine / Paresthesia / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Radiculopathy / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Gastrointestinal Issues / Headache / Insomnia / Neurological Issues / Panic Attack / Paresthesia / Temperature Sensitivity / Visual Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Hair Loss / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Hematuria / High Blood Pressure / Shaking / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Insomnia / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Malaise / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Myocarditis / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Nausea / Nerve Damage / Pain / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath / Shoulder Pain / Vertigo / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Nausea / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Numbness / Requester Submitted Injury / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Numbness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Headache / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Hearing Loss / High Blood Pressure / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Attack / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Inflammation / Inflammation / Numbness / Pain / Rapid Heartbeat / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Inflammation / Irregular Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Injury / Menstrual Issues / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath / Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Issues 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Issues / High Blood Pressure / Inability to Walk / Pain / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Issues / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Issues / Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Issues / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Issues / Palpitations / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Murmur 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Heart Palpitation / Neck Pain / Nocturnal Panic Attack / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure / Irregular Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure / Lightheadedness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure / Nausea / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / High Blood Pressure / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Hypertension / Neuropathy / Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Hypotension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Inflammation / Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Inflammation / Pericarditis / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Irregular Heartbeat / Myocarditis / Pericarditis / Respiratory Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Irregular Heartbeat / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Joint Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Joint Pain / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Joint Pain / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Lightheadedness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Menstrual Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Mental Health Issue / Pain / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Migraine / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Migraine / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Myocardial Infarction / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Myocarditis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Myocarditis / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Myocarditis / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Numbness / Pain / Rapid Heartbeat / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Numbness / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Numbness / Rapid Heartbeat / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Numbness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Numbness / Vaccine Reaction / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Numbness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Palpitations 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Palpitations / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Palpitations / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Palpitations / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Palpitations / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Pericarditis 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Rapid Heartbeat 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Rapid Heartbeat / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Requester Submitted Injury / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shingles / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath 13
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Exhaustion / Arm Pain / Headache / Bad Pain / Brain Fog / Right Arm Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness Of Breath / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Vaccine Reaction 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shortness of Breath / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Swelling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pain / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pressure / Fainting / Heart Fluttering 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Pressure / Muscle Spasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Restriction / Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) / HaNDL Syndrome / Hemiparesis / Nystagmus / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Tightness / Cough / Graves Disease / Pain / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Tightness / Difficulty Breathing / Numbness / Peripheral Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Tightness / Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Reactivation / Fibromyalgia / Headache / Insomnia / Leukopenia / Mitochondrial Dysfunction / Mobility Issues / Mycoplasma Pneumonia / Numbness / Pain / Palpitations / Paresthesia / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Tightness / Fainting / Palpitations / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Tightness / Headache / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Tightness / Heart Inflammation / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Tightness / Hives / Wheezing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Tightness / Pneumothorax / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Tightness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Tightness / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chest Wall Inflammation / Costochondritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Cognitive Difficulty / Diarrhea / Fever / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Fever / Joint Stiffness / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Congestion / Coughing / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Convulsions / Fever / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Cough / Difficulty Breathing / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Death / Fainting / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Decreased Oxygen Saturation / Fatigue / High Blood Glucose / Low Calcium / Low Platelets / Low Sodium / Pain / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Depression / Dizziness / Enlarged Lymph Nodes / Fatigue / Headache / Neurologic Deterioration / Respiratory Issue / Shortness of Breath / Soreness / Speech Issues / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Diarrhea / Dizziness / Fever / Stomach Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Diarrhea / Fatigue / Hunger / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Diarrhea / Fever / Hair Loss / Muscle Pain / Muscle Spasm / Rash / Swelling / Tiredness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Diarrhea / Pain / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Fever / Heart Issues / Sweating / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Exhaustion / Fever / Mobility Issues / Pain / Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Fall / Fever / Fracture 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Fatigue / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Fatigue / Fever / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Fatigue / Fever / Neuropathy / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Numbness / Pain / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Fatigue / Malaise / Myalgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Fever / Headache / Swelling / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Headache / Nausea / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Loss of Balance / Vision Issues / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chills / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Choking / Dysarthria / Fatigue / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Autoimmune Urticaria 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Depression / Joint Pain / Numbness / Palpitations / SIRVA / Tremors / Vaccine Reaction / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Diarrhea / Dizziness / Indigestion / Migraine / Muscle Weakness / Nausea / Neuropathy / Twitching / Vertigo / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Dysautonomia / Fatigue / Headache / Heart Arrhythmia / Muscle Pain / Nephropathy / Numbness / Palpitations / Post Vaccine Long Haul Syndrome / Shortness of Breath / Tingling / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Dysautonomia / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Dysautonomia / Gastroparesis / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / High Blood Pressure / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Neuropathy / Palpitations / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Idiopathic Urticaria 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Orthostatic Hypotension Dysautonomia Syndrome / Sjogren's Syndrome / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) 19
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Diabetes / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Foot Drop Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 7
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Polyneuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Inflammatory Disseminated Polyneuropathy (CIDP) / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) / End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) / Kidney Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Chronic Urticaria / Cushing's Syndrome / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Circulation Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Circulation Issues / Fatigue / Heart Pain / Irregular Heartbeat / Numbness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Circulation Issues / Neutropenia / Pulmonary Issues / Requester Submitted Injury / Therapy-Related Myelodysplasia (T-MDS) / Thrombocytopenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Convulsions / Fainting / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Cramps / Fever / Migraine / Nausea / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Dizziness / Fatigue / Migraine / Muscle Spasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Depression / Fatigue / Headache / Shortness of Breath / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Paresis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Numbness / Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Headache / Migraine / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Headache / Mobility Issues / Nausea / Speech Issues / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Headache / Numbness / Photophobia / Tingling / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Headache / Speech Issues / Tremors / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Light Sensitivity / Noise Sensitivity / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Dizziness / Migraine / Nausea / Numbness / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Dry Eye / Dry Mouth / Dry Skin / Fatigue / Hair Loss / Light Sensitivity / Menstrual Issues / Numbness / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath / Sleep Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Dysautonomia / Pain / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Encephalitis / Tinnitus / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Facial Paralysis / Headache / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Fever / Mobility Issues / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Headache / Hypertension / Hypotension / Neuropathy / Paresis / Speech Issues / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) / Vasovagal Syncope / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Headache / Heart Issues / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Sleep Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / High Blood Pressure / Nausea / Numbness / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Infection / Jaundice / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Fatigue / Myalgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Fever / Sleep Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Headache / Heart Arrhythmia / Myocarditis / Neurological Issues / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Headache / Memory Loss / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Headache / Migraine / Mobility Issues / Vision Issues / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Headache / Pain / Paresthesia / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Headache / Pain / Pericardial Effusion / Pneumonia / Shortness of Breath / Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Headache / Slurred Speech 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Heart Issues / Pain / Slurred Speech / Tinnitus / Twitching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Hemiparesis / Hypotension / Low Heart Rate / Mobility Issues / Speech Issues / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Inflammation / Mobility Issues / Seizures / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Mental Health Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Mobility Issues / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Mobility Issues / Seizures 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Muscle Spasm / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Nausea / Vomiting / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Nerve Damage / Pain / Sleep Issue / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Neurologic Deterioration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Neurological Issues / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Numbness / Spasms / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Pain / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Stroke / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Tinnitus / Uveitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Difficulty / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cognitive Impairment 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cold Symptoms / Cough 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cold Symptoms / Dizziness / Fever / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cold Symptoms / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Colitis / Crohn's Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Colitis / Dehydration / Diverticulitis / Pain / Paralysis / Stomach Pain / Viral Co-Infection / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Colitis / Pericarditis / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Collapsed Lung / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Coma 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Coma / Fever / Infection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) / Diffuse Scleroderma / Immune Disorder / Raynaud's Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Concussion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Concussion / Dizziness / Fainting / Fatigue / Headache / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Concussion / Dizziness / Fracture 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Concussion / Fainting 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Concussion / Fainting / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Concussion / Syncope 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Confusion 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Confusion / Cramps / Fatigue / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Nausea / Vision Issues / Vomiting / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Confusion / Dizziness / Dry Mouth / High Blood Pressure / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Confusion / Dizziness / Headache / Memory Loss / Nausea / Numbness / Seizures / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Confusion / Dizziness / Muscle Spasm / Neuropathy / Seizures / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Confusion / Fainting / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Confusion / Fatigue / Shortness of Breath / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Confusion / Headache / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Confusion / Hives / Itching / Swelling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congenital Heart Disease 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Congenital Heart Disease / Fatigue / Myocarditis / Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congenital Heart Disease / Pulmonary Embolus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestion / Dizziness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestion / Fever 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) 10
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Decreased Ejection Fracture 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Endocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Enlarged Heart / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Heart Failure / Heart Issues / Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Kidney Failure / Pulmonary Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Congestive Heart Failure / Dialysis / Emphysema / Hypertension / Labrum Avulsion Tear / Pulmonary Edema / Rotator Cuff Rupture / Seizure / Shortness of Breath / Triceps Rupture 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Connective Tissue Disorder 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Connective Tissue Disorder / Dermatomyositis / Polymyositis / Sjogren's Syndrome / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (Lupus) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Connective Tissue Disorder / Hair Loss / Inflammatory Polyarthropathy / Muscle Weakness / Peripheral Neuropathy / Polymyalgia / Post Viral Syndrome / Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Connective Tissue Disorder / Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Connective Tissue Disorder / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Constipation / Cramps / Fever / Heartburn / Shortness of Breath / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Constipation / Dizziness / Fainting / Fatigue / Headache / Hypertension / Hypertrophy / Pain / Palpitations / Rash / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) / Vasovagal Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Constipation / Gastritis / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Convulsions / Fainting / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Convulsions / Headache / Increased Heart Rate / Light Sensitivity / Mobility Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Convulsive Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cord Compression Myelopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) / Esophagitis / Heart Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) / Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Coronary Artery Disease / Myocardial Infarction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Costochondritis 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Costochondritis / Cyst / Pericarditis / Pulmonary Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Costochondritis / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cotton Wool Spot / GI Issues / Pericarditis / Thyroid Disfunction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Itching / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Difficulty Breathing / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Difficulty Breathing / Stomach Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Dizziness / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Dizziness / Numbness / Swelling / Tingling / Wheezing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Dysphagia / Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Edema / Pneumonia / Pulmonary Issues / Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA) / Hearing Loss / Mobility Issues / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Hives / Swelling / Welts 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Itching / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Lung Inflammation / Shortness of Breath / Weight Loss / Wheezing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Nausea / Pneumonia / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Shortness of Breath / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cough / Swelling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Coughing / Drop Foot / Goodpasture Syndrome / Inflammation / Renal Failure / Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine COVID Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine COVID Pneumonia / Enlarged Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine COVID Toe / Edema / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine COVID-19 Infection 4
COVID-19 Vaccine COVID-19 Infection / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine COVID-19 Infection / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine COVID-19 Symptoms / Fever / Malaise / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramps / Diarrhea / Dysautonomia / Nausea / Pain / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramps / Dizziness / Headache / Nausea / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramps / Fainted / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramps / Fatigue / Headache / Pain / Peripheral Neuropathy / Tremors / Twitching / Weight Gain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramps / Fatigue / Migraine / Numbness / Pain / Peripheral Neuropathy / Spasms / Tingling / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramps / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramps / Headache / High Blood Pressure / Poisoning 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramps / Muscle Spasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramps / Numbness / Pain / Tingling / Tiredness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramps / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cramps / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cranial Nerve IV (Trochlear Nerve) Palsy / Diplopia / Graves Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cranial Nerve IV (Trochlear Nerve) Palsy / Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (ION) / Migraine / Occipital Neuralgia / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cranial Nerve IV (Trochlear Nerve) Palsy / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Crescentic Glomerulonephritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cryogenic Organizing Pneumonia / Difficulty Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cutaneous Adverse Reaction / Pityriasis Lichenoides Et Varioliformis Acuta (PLEVA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma (CTCL) / Mycosis Fungoides (MF) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Cyst 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Cyst / Edema / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cyst / High Blood Pressure / Lethargy / Numbness / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cyst / Ileitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cytokine Storm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cytokine Storm / Digestive Issues / Dysautonomia / Fatigue / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Cytomegalovirus (CMV) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Deafness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death 664
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Encephalopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Heart Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Heart Attack / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Illness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Shortness of Breath / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Thrombocytopenia 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Death / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Decreased Appetite / Hair Loss / Hives / Insomnia / Loss of taste/smell / Shaking / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Decreased Ejection Fracture / Headache / Heart Failure / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Decreased Heart Rate / Low Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Decreased Oxygen Saturation / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Decreased Oxygen Saturation / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Decreased Platelet Levels / Elevated Troponin 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Decreased Potassium / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) 62
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) / Pulmonary Embolus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Leg pain / Pain / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Occlusive Thrombus 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Parietal Occlusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 20
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Embolus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Pulmonary Thromboembolic Disease / Thromboembolism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Difficulty Breathing / Fatigue / Numbness / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Dizziness / Fever / Tachycardia / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Fainting / Low Blood Pressure / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Fever / Rapid Heartbeat / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Fever / Sepsis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Fever / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Flu Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dehydration / Kidney Failure / Metabolic Acidosis / Rhabdomyolysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Deltoid Bursitis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Demyelinating Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Demyelinating Lesions / Lesion / Multiple Sclerosis (MS) / Optic Neuritis / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Demyelinating Lesions / Peripheral Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Demyelinating Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dental Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depletion of HBC-WBC Platelets 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Dermatographia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Fatigue / Headache / Pain / Sleep Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Fatigue / Numbness / Pain / Stomach Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Hair Loss / Hearing Loss / Psoriasis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Hallucination / Insomnia / Miscarriage / Neurological Issues / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Headache / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Heart Issues / Respiratory Issue / Tiredness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Induced Psychosis / Neurocognitive Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Insomnia / Vision Issues / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Stillborn 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Depression / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatitis / Itching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatitis / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatographia 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatographia / Facial Swelling / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatographia / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatographia / Hives / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatographia / Itching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatographia / Scalp Folliculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatographia / Urticaria 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatomyositis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatomyositis / Dysphagia / Inability to Walk / Myopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatomyositis / Hypothyroidism / Myopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dermatomyositis / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diabetes 22
COVID-19 Vaccine Diabetes / Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Diabetes / Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) / Difficulty Breathing / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diabetes / Epilepsy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diabetes / Heart Complication 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diabetes / Hyperglycemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diabetes / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diabetes / Urinary Problem / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) / Pleural Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dialysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diaphragm Paralyzed / Headache / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Dizziness / Edema / Headache / Kidney Injury / Nephrotic Syndrome / Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Dizziness / Fainting / Flu Like Symptoms / Low Blood Pressure / Low Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Dizziness / Fatigue / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Eczema / Fatigue / Hemorrhoids 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Fatigue / Nausea / Night Sweat / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Fever / Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Fever / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Headache / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Mesenteric Lymphadenopathy / Trigeminal Neuralgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Mucous Stool / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Pain / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diarrhea / Requester Submitted Injury / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diastolic Dysfunction / Pericardial Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing 10
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Elevated White Blood Cell Count / Fatigue / Hallucinations / Rapid Heart Rate / Stiffness / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Respiratory Issue / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Lightheadedness / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Nausea / Pain / Rash / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Nausea / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Palpatations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Dizziness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Edema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Embolism / Pulmonary Embolus / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Enlarged Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Erectile Dysfunction (ED) / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Fatigue / Headache / Migraine / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Fatigue / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Fatigue / Pericarditis / Shortness of Breath / Urinary Problem 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Fever 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Fever / Headache / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Glaucoma / Heart Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Hives / Low Blood Pressure / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Itching / Tachycardia / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Liver Injury / Lung Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Lost Consciousness / Mobility Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Migraine / Pulmonary Embolus / Thrombocytopenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Mobility Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Mobility Issues / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Muscle Pain / Rash / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Muscle Spasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Muscle Tension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Pain / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Parotitis / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Rash 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Rash / Sweating / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Requester Submitted Injury 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Breathing / Temporary Paralysis / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Standing / Difficulty Walking / Lethargy / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Swallowing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Swallowing / Dryness / Elevated C-Reactive Protein (CRP) / Fatigue / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Swallowing / Lesion / Mobility Issues / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Swallowing / Speech Issues / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Fainting / Fatigue / Headache / Light Sensitivity / Lightheadedness / Memory Loss / Noise Sensitivity / Pain / Speech Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Fall / Loss of Balance / Numbness / Tiredness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Fatigue / Flu Like Symptoms / High Blood Pressure / Hypertension / Numbness / Swelling / Thrombocytopenia / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Fever 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Muscle Weakness / Numbness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Peripheral Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Shoulder Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Difficulty Walking / Weakness 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Digestive Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Digestive Issues / Diplacusis / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diplopia / Lesion / Mobility Issues / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Discitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Discoloration / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Discoloration / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Disequilibrium / Neurological Issues / Paresthesia / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Disorientation Insomnia / Headache / Nausea / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Diverticulitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness 21
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Balance issues / Brain fog 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Dysautonomia / Fatigue / Lightheadedness / Memory Loss / Nausea / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Ear Pain / Fatigue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Ear Pain / Fatigue / Fever / Hearing Loss / Hypertension / Neck pain / Pain / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Encephalitis / Headache / Heart Issues / Herpes Zoster/Shingles / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fainted / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fainted / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fainting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fainting / Fatigue / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fainting / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue / Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Lightheadedness / Mobility Issues / Nausea / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue / Headache / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue / Inability to Walk / Muscle Weakness / Myasthenia Gravis / Shortness of Breath / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue / Lightheadedness / Pain / Thrombocytopenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue / Migraine / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue / Nausea / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Rash / Redness / Respiratory Issue / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue / Nausea / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue / Pain / Shortness of Breath / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fatigue / Shortness of Breath 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Fever / Tiredness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Gastritis / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Giddiness / Mal De Dbarquement Syndrome (MDDS) / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache 11
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Hearing Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Hearing Loss / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Lethargy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Nausea / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Nausea / Pain / Sleep Issue / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Paralysis / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Shoulder Pain / Swelling / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Syncope / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Tiredness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Headache / Vertigo / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Hearing Loss / Nausea / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Hearing Loss / Tinnitus 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Hearing Loss / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Hearing Loss / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Heart Issues 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / High Blood Pressure / Inflammation / Panic Attack / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / High Blood Pressure / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / High Blood Pressure / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / High Blood Pressure / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / High Blood Pressure / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Hives / Nausea / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Hives / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Hyponatremia / Memory Loss / Nausea / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Itching / Rash / Stinging 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Lightheadedness / Loss of Balance / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Lightheadedness / Nausea / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Lightheadedness / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Loss of Sensation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Migraine / Tinnitus / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Nausea 10
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Nausea / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Nausea / Shortness of Breath 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Nausea / Stroke / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Nausea / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Nausea / Vertigo / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Neurologic Deterioration / Pain / Paralysis / Tremors / Unable To Walk Or Stand / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Numbness / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Rapid Heartbeat / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Numbness / Tingling / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Numbness / Trembling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Numbness / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Pain / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Palpitation / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Paresthesia / Tachycardia / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Presyncope / Tachycardia / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Pyelonephritis / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Rapid Heartbeat / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Rash / Splenic Infarction / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Requester Submitted Injury 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Seizures / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Sensorineural hearing loss / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Shortness of Breath / Vaccine Reaction 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Slurred Speech 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Speech Issues / Sweating / Swelling / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Swelling / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Tinnitus / Vertigo 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dizziness / Vertigo / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dopamine Deficiency / Parkinsons Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Double Vision / Loss of Vision / Temporal Arteritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Double Vision / Myasthenia Gravis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Drooping / Facial Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Drowsiness / Fall 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Drug-induced Lupus 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Drug-induced Lupus / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dry Cough / Fatigue / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dry Eye / Eye Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dry Mouth / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dryness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Duodenal Mucinous Adenocarcinoma (DMA) / Lupus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dural Venous Sinus Thrombosis (DVST) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysarthria / Hemiparesis / Scoliosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysautonomia 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysautonomia / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) / Hypertension / Hypomagnesemia / Neuropathy / Myelopathy / Paresthesia / Polyneuropathy / Tachycardia / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysautonomia / Migraine / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Visual Snow Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysautonomia / Neuropathy / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysautonomia / Orthostatic Intolerance / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysautonomia / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysautonomia / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysautonomia / Sinus Tachycardia / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysphagia / Fatigue / Inability to Swallow / Increased Heart Rate / Leg Weakness / Muscle Spasms / Shortness of Breath / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysphagia / Hemiplegia / Stroke / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysphagia / Hyperventilation / Shortness of Breath / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dysphagia / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dyspnea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dyspnea / Emphysema / Heart Failure / Pericardial Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dyspnea / Fatigue / Pain / Pleurisy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dyspnea / Headache / Nausea / Paresthesia / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dystonia / Headache / Shoulder Injury / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dystonia / Migraine / Nausea / Pain / Vascular Microclotting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Dystonic Reaction / Neurological Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ear Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Ear Pain / Ecchymosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ear Pain / Hearing Loss / Paralysis / Paresthesia / Ramsay Hunt Syndrome / Tinnitus / Vertigo / Vestibular Nerve Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ear Pain / Hearing Loss / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ear Pain / Infection / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ear Pain / Migraine / Vertigo / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ear Pain / Requester Submitted Injury 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Ecchymosis / Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) / Fatigue / Headache / Otisis Media / Pain / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ectopic Pregnancy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eczema 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Edema / Elevated Liver Enzymes / Jaundice / Kidney Failure / Liver Disease / Scarring 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Edema / Fatigue / High Blood Pressure / Weakness / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Edema / Headache / Lesion / Myalgia / Shoulder Injury / Shoulder Pain / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Edema / Low Blood Pressure / Pancreatitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Edema / Mononeuritis / Swelling / Vasculitis / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Edema / Numbness / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Edema / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Edema / Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Synovitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Edema / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elbow Pain / Inflammation / Shoulder Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elbow Pain / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Blood Pressure / Elevated Cholesterol / Immune Disorder / Labyrinthitis / Neuropathy / Nystagmus / Paresthesia / Vascular Inflammation / Vertigo / Vestibular Neuritis / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated D-Dimer 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated D-Dimer / Fatty liver disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated D-Dimer / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Heart Rate / Migraine / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Liver Enzymes / Fever / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Troponin Enzyme / Heart Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Troponin Enzyme / Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Troponin Enzyme / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Elevated Troponin Enzyme / Myocarditis / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Embolism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Embolism / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Emotional Distress / Encephalitis / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Emotional Instability 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Encephalitis 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Encephalitis / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Encephalitis / Meningitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Encephalitis / Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Encephalitis / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Encephalitis / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Encephalopathy 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Encephalopathy / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Endocarditis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Heart 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Heart / Fainting / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Heart / Heart Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Heart / Lung Damage / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Heart / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Lymph Nodes 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Lymph Nodes / Fatigue / Fever / Hashimoto's Disease / Migraine / Nausea / Pain / Soreness / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Lymph Nodes / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Enlarged Lymph Nodes / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eosinophilia / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eosinophilic Esophagitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eosinophilic Myocarditis (EM) / Myocarditis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Epicondylitis / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Epilepsy 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Epilepsy / Fibromyalgia / Migraine / Syncope / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (Lupus) / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Epilepsy / Fibromyalgia / Seizure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Epstein Barr Virus (EBV) Reactivation / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) / Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV2) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) / Mononucleosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Erectile Dysfunction (ED) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Erectile Dysfunction (ED) / Incontinence / Paralysis / Paraplegia / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Erectile Dysfunction (ED) / Pain / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Erythema 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Erythema nodosum 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Erythroderma 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Erythromelalgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Esophagitis / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD) / Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP) / Perilymphatic Fistula (PLF) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Evans Syndrome / Hemolytic Anemia / Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Exhaustion / Fatigue / Fibromyalgia / Inability to Focus / Insomnia / Muscle Pain / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Exhaustion / Fever / Inflammation / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Exhaustion / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Limited Mobility / Muscle Weakness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Exhaustion / Headache / Leg pain / Lethargy / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Damage / Eye Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Floaters 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Floaters / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Inflammation / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Injury 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Injury / Peeling / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Issues / Facial Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Stroke / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Eye Stroke / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Face Injury / Spine Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Palsy 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Palsy / Migraine / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Paralysis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Paralysis / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Paralysis / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Facial Paralysis / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted 17
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Fever / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Head Injury 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Head Injury / Laceration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Head Injury / Tooth Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Lightheadedness / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Lost Consciousness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainted / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting 15
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Fatigue / Nausea 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Fever / Nausea / Tiredness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Head Injury 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Heart Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / High Blood Pressure / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Laceration / Pain / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Lung Nodules / Migraine / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Mouth Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Nausea / Rapid Heart Rate / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fainting / Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fall 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Fall / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Inability to Walk / Loss of Sensation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fall / Head Injury / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fall / Headache / Nausea / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fall / Hives / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fall / Insomnia / Postherpetic Neuralgia / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fall / Scarring 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fall / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fall / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fall / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fasciculation / Hearing Loss / Paresthesia / Tachycardia / Tinnitus / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fast Heart Rate / Flutter / Heart Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatal Cardiac Dysrhythmia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Pain / Pain Protrusion Under Arm / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Fever / Headache / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Flu Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Flu Like Symptoms / Lesion / Thrush 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Flu Like Symptoms / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Fluid Retention / Heart Issues / Inflammation / Multiple Sclerosis (MS) / Myelitis / Narcolepsy / Pain / Polyneuropathy / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Flu-Like Symptoms / Mouth Lesions / Thrush 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) / Insomnia / Pain / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) / Pain / Paresthesia / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Gastroparesis / Kidney Failure / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Hair Loss / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Hashimoto's Disease / Pain / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Hives / Tremors / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Inflammation / Neurological Issues / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Liver Disease / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath / Sweating / Vertigo / Weight Gain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Numbness / Tingling / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Nausea / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Neuropathy / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Rapid Heartbeat / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Swollen Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Headache / Tinnitus / Vertigo / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Hearing Loss / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Heart Issues / Irregular Blood Pressure / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Heart Issues / Mental Health Issue / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Hives / Mobility Issues / Numbness / Stress / Tingling / Weakness / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Hives / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Hives / Tremors / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Hypersensitivity Reaction Type IV / Pain / Respiratory Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Inflammation / Mobility Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Injection Site Pain / Lightheadedness / Loss of Balance / Muscle Pain / Sleep Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Insomnia / Pain / Paresthesia / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Involuntary Movements / Memory Loss / Numbness / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Irregular Heartbeat / Lightheadedness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Irritability / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Joint Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Leukopenia / Low White Blood Cell Count / Malaise / Neutropenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Low Platelets / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Menstrual Issues / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Migraine / Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Migraine / Pain / Sleep Apnea / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Mobility Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Mobility Issues / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Motor Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Muscle Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Muscle Pain / Muscle Weakness / Pain / Tiredness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Muscle Pain / Neck pain / Shoulder Pain / Sleep Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Muscle Pain / Pain / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Tremors / Unable To Walk Or Stand / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Muscle Spasm / Paresthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Myasthenia Gravis / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Nausea / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Numbness / Swelling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Numbness / Tingling / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Pain / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Pain / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Pain / Shingles / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Pain / Shoulder Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Pain / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Pain / Stroke / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Paresthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Peripheral Demyelinating Syndrome / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Polymyositis / Scleroderma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Rapid Heartbeat / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Shortness of Breath 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Shortness of Breath / Tightness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Spasms / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Swelling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fatigue / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Febrile Seizure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Headache / High Blood Pressure / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Headache / Hives 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Headache / Memory Loss / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Headache / Nausea / Rash / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Headache / Numbness / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Headache / Sinus Tachycardia / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Headache / Sleep Issue / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Headache / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Headache / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Heart Issues / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Heart Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Kidney Failure / Rash / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Low Potassium / Muscle Aches / Swollen Eyes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Migraine / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Miscarriage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Mouth Ulcerations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Nausea / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Nausea / Vaccine Reaction / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Numbness / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Pain / Physical Disability 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Pain / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Rapid Heartbeat 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Requester Submitted Injury 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Fever / Sore Throat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fibroids / Menstrual Issues / Polyps 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fibromyalgia 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Fibromyalgia / High Blood Pressure / Pain / Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fibromyalgia / Hives / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fibromyalgia / Inflammation / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fibromyalgia / Migraine / Paresthesia / Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fibromyalgia / Mobility Issues / Pain / Sleep Issues / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fibromyalgia / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fibromyalgia / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flu Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flu Like Symptoms / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flu Like Symptoms / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fluid Retention / Kidney Injury / Liver Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Flu-Like Symptoms / Ischemic Infarction / Mobility Issues / Multiple Sclerosis (MS) / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Focal Neurologic Deficit / Headache / Intracranial Hemorrhage / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Foot Drop Syndrome / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Foot Drop Syndrome / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Fracture 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Gallbladder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ganglion Neuropathy / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Gastritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) / Hives / Itching / Redness / Shortness of Breath / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleed 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Pain / Paralysis / Speech Issues / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Hives / Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Gastrointestinal (GI) Issue / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Gastroparesis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Gastroparesis / Heart Arrhythmia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Gauge Vitrectomy Posterior / Macula Hematogenous Retinal Detachment / Nausea / Vision Issues / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine GI Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Glenohumeral Synovitis / Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Global Hypokinesia / Myocarditis / Neurological Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Glomerulonephritis / Kidney Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Goodpasture Syndrome / Kidney Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Grand Mal Seizure 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Granuloma Annulare 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Granulomas 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Granulomas / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Granulomas / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Granulomatosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Granulomatosis / Heart Failure / Intra-Alveolar Hemorrhage / Kidney Failure / Lung Disease / Pneumonia / Polyangiitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis (GPA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Graves Disease 10
COVID-19 Vaccine Graves Disease / Hyperthyroidism 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Graves Disease / Hyperthyroidism / Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 264
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Like Symptoms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Headache / Migraine / Nausea / Pain / Paresthesia / Rapid Heartbeat / Seizures / Shortness of Breath / Spasms / Swelling / Tachycardia / Tachypnea / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Heart Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Heart Issues / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Hemolytic Anemia / Migraine / Motor Disorder / Neuropathy / Pain / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / High Blood Pressure / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Hypersensitivity / Pain / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Myasthenia Gravis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Myelopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Nerve Damage / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Nerve Damage / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Neurological Issues 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Neuropathy / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Numbness / Pain / Rash / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Numbness / Pain / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Numbness / Tingling / Weakness 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Paralysis 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Paralysis / Rotator Cuff Tear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Paralysis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy Syndrome (PRES) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Renal Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Transverse Myelitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Unable To Walk Or Stand / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Like Symptoms 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Like Symptoms / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Like Symptoms / Stevens-Johnson 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Like Symptoms / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) Like Symptoms / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hair Loss 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Hair Loss / Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hair Loss / Hearing Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hair Loss / Hypertension / Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) / Retina Detachment 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hair Loss / Nausea / Psychosis / Rash / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hair Loss / Nerve Problems / Pain / Rash / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hair Loss / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hallucination 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hallucination / Narcolepsy / Neuropathy / Sleep Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hallux Rigidus (Stiff Big Toe) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hand Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hashimoto's Disease 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Hashimoto's Disease / Hypothyroidism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hashimoto's Disease / Lupus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hashimoto's Disease / Paresthesia / Post Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Head Injury 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Head Injury / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Head Laceration / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Head Laceration / Syncope / Trauma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Head Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache 35
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Hearing Loss / Inflammation / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Hearing Loss / Numbness / Shoulder Pain / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Hearing Loss / Pain / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Hearing Loss / Tinnitus / Vertigo / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Hearing Loss / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Heartburn / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Hemiparesis / Respiratory Issue / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Herpes Zoster/Shingles / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / High Blood Pressure / Itching / Pain / Twitching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / High Blood Pressure / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / High Blood Pressure / Numbness / Pain / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / High Blood Pressure / Numbness / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / High Blood Pressure / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / High Blood Pressure / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Hives / Pain / Rash / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Hypertension / Malaise / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Inability to Walk / Memory Loss / Migraine / Pain / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Inflammation / Insomnia / Pain / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Inflammation / Joint Stiffness / Muscle Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Inflammation / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Injection Site Pain / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Insomnia / Nerve Damage / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Insomnia / Numbness / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Irregular Heartbeat / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Ischemic Stroke / Seizures / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Joint Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Joint Pain / Numbness / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Leg pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Lesion / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Light Sensitivity / Noise Sensitivity / Tinnitus / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Lightheadedness / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Loss Use of Arm / Pain / Seizures / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Memory Loss / Muscle Pain / Pain / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Memory Loss / Nausea / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Migraine 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Migraine / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Migraine / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Mobility Issues / Numbness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Muscle Pain / Pain / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Muscle Pain / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Nausea 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Nausea / Soreness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Nausea / Vaccine Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Nausea / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Nausea / Vestibular Dysfunction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Neck pain / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Pain / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Vaccine Reaction / Visual Field Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Shortness of Breath 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Syncope / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Vaccine Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Numbness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pain / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pain / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pain / Petechiae / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pain / Rash / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pain / Soreness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pain / Syncope / Vision Loss / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Paralysis / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Peripheral Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Pulmonary Embolus / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Requester Submitted Injury 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Shortness of Breath 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Sleep Issue / Tinnitus / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Spasms / Speech Issues / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Stroke 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Tinnitus 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Tinnitus / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome (THS) / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Vaccine Reaction 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Vision Issues 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Visual Field Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Headache / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss 57
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Heart Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Heart Racing / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Insomnia / Menieres Disease / Tinnitus / Vertigo / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Labyrinthitis / Vertigo / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Loss of Smell / Stroke / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Menieres Disease / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Migraine / Muscle Weakness / Numbness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Migraine / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Requester Submitted Injury 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Sensorineural hearing loss / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Tinnitus 24
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Tinnitus / Vertigo 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Vaccine Reaction / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Vertigo 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Vertigo / Vestibular Neuritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hearing Loss / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Arrhythmia 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack 44
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Heart Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Heart Damage / Heart Failure / Myocardial Infarction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Heart Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Heart Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / High Blood Pressure / Shoulder Pain / Tooth Aches 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Myocarditis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Requester Submitted Injury / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Attack / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Complication / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Damage / Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Damage / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Damage / Seizures / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Edema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Edema / Pericardial Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure 13
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Heart Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Heart Inflammation / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Internal Bleeding / Shingles / Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Irregular Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Lung Damage / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Myocarditis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Myocarditis / Pericarditis / Respiratory failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Myocarditis / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Myocarditis / Scleroderma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Failure / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Inflammation 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Inflammation / Heart Injury / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Inflammation / Lung Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Inflammation / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Injury 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Injury / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues 39
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / High Blood Pressure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / High Blood Pressure / Insomnia / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Hypertension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Ischemic Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Migraine / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Miscarriage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Myocarditis / Pericarditis / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Neutropenia / Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) / Shortness of Breath / Undifferentiated Mixed Connective Tissue Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Pain / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Requester Submitted Injury 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Stroke 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Murmur 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Murmur / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Murmur / Tooth Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Palpitations / Vestibular Dysfunction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Problems 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Rate Variability (HRV) / Shaking / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Spasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Valve Leakage 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Heart Valve Leakage / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Heaviness in Chest / High Blood Pressure / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hematoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hematoma / Petechiae 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hemolytic Anemia / Lupus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Hemoptysis / Lung Nodule 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hemoptysis / Pulmonary Embolus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hemorrhagic Thalamic Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hemorrhagic Thalamic Stroke / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Henoch Schonlein Purpura 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Hepatic Toxicity / Pericarditis / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes / Hives / Itching / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes Simplex Encephalitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes Zoster/Shingles 11
COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes Zoster/Shingles / Ramsay Hunt Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes Zoster/Shingles / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Herpes Zoster/Shingles / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Glucose / High Blood Pressure / Pain / Tension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure 10
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Hives / Hypertension / Requester Submitted Injury / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Illness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Insomnia / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Low Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Migraine / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Mobility Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Multisystem organ failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Numbness / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Optic Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Palpitations / Tinnitus / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Peripheral Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Rapid Heartbeat 3
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Rapid Pulse 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Rash / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Requester Submitted Injury 2
COVID-19 Vaccine High Blood Pressure / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine High Heart Rate / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives 15
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Itching / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Menstrual Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Rash 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Requester Submitted Injury 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Shortness of Breath 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Skin Discoloration 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Swelling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Tingling / Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Welts 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hives / Wheezing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hospitalized 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperactivity 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypercoagulability / Lung Infarction / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperesthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperesthesia / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperglycemia / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperhidrosis / Tiredness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperinflammatory Immune Response 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperinflammatory Immune Response / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperpigmentation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Injection Site Rash / Injection Site Swelling / Migraine / Weakness / Wheezing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Massive Heart Attack 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Palpitations / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Stroke / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertensive Crisis / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperthyroidism 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Hyperthyroidism / Hypothyroidism / Swollen Lymph Nodes / Thyroiditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertrophy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypoechoic Thrombus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis (HypoKPP) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypotension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypotension / Seizures / Shock / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypothyroidism 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypothyroidism / Pain / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypoxia / Pneumonia / Respiratory Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension / Optic Neuritis / Pulmonary Vein Stenosis (PVS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia / Joint Pain / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Idiopathic Thrombocytopenia / Ulcerative Colitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Idiopathic Urticaria 1
COVID-19 Vaccine IGA Nephropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Illness 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Immobility / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Disorder / Myocardium 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Disorder / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Swelling / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Encephilitis / Immune Response 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Mediated Bulbar Myasthenia Gravis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Mediated Functional Neurologic Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Mediated Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Mediated Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome / Multisystem organ failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Mediated Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Mediated Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome / Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune System Dysregulation / Inflammation / Peripheral Neuropathy / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) 36
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Thrombocytopenia Purpura (ITP) / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Immunoglobulin A (IGA) Nephropathy 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Immunoglobulin A (IGA) Nephropathy / Kidney Injury / Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inability to Walk 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Inability to Walk / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inability to Walk / Numbness / Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inability to Walk / Paralysis / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inability to Walk / Pericarditis / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inability to Walk / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Increased Intracranial Pressure (ICP) / Tinnitus / Vision Issues / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Increased Rheumatoid Factor 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Induced Psychosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Infection 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Infection / Inflammation / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Infection / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflamed Heart / Pancreas Shut Down 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflamed Organs 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation 19
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Itching / Menstrual Issues / Pain / Sleep Issue / Temperature Sensitivity 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Lung Nodule / Sarcoidosis / Scarring 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Menstrual Issues / Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) / Shingles / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Mental Health Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Migraine / Pericarditis / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Myelitis / Myelopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Nerve Damage / Paresthesia / Vertigo / Vestibular Neuritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Osteoarthritis (OA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Pain 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Pain / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Pain / SIRVA / Stress 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Pain / Soreness / Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Pain / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Pericarditis / Pleurisy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Peripheral Neuropathy / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Rotator Cuff Tear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Scarring 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammation / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammatory Arthritis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammatory Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammatory Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammatory Polyarthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Inflammatory Polyarthropathy 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Injury 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Injury / Injection Site Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Injury / Injection Site Pain / Injection Site Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Injury / Injection Site Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Injury / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Injury / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Pain 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Pain / Injection Site Swelling / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Pain / Insomnia / Numbness / Pain / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Pain / Mobility Issues / Soreness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Pain / Numbness / Stiffness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Pain / Numbness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Pain / Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Pain / Subacromial Bursitis / Supraspinatus Tendinitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Rash / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Injection Site Swelling / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Insomnia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Insomnia / Itching / Pain / Redness / Scarring / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Insomnia / Joint Stiffness / Pain / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Insomnia / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Insomnia / Migraine / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Insomnia / Muscle Pain / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Insomnia / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Insomnia / Weight Gain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Insufficient Heart Valve 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Interstitial Lung Disease 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Interstitial Lung Disease / Lung Damage / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Interstitial Lung Disease / Polymyositis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Interstitial Nephritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Intracranial Hemorrhage / Sagittal Sinus / Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Involuntary Movements 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Involuntary Movements / Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Involuntary Movements / Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Iritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Iritis / Uveitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heartbeat 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heartbeat / Lightheadedness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heartbeat / Loss of taste/smell / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heartbeat / Palpitations / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heartbeat / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heartbeat / Seizure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irregular Heartbeat / Weakened Heart 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Irritated Larynx / Sore Throat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Colitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Optic Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (ION) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Optic Neuropathy / Loss of Vision 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Posterior Circulation Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Stroke 17
COVID-19 Vaccine Ischemic Stroke / Requester Submitted Injury 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Lichen Planus / Rash 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Nausea / Rash / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Palpitations / Rash / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Rash 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Rash / Redness / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Itching / Temperature Sensitivity 1
COVID-19 Vaccine ITP(Thrombo Purpura) 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Jaundice 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain 14
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Palpitations / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Palpitations / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Pulmonary Embolus / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Pain / Vaccine Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Joint Stiffness / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kawasaki Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Failure 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Failure / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Failure / Rhabdomyolysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Failure / Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Injury 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Injury / Minimal Change Disease (MCD) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Injury / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Injury / Pericardial Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Issues / Urinary Tract Infection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kidney Stones 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Kikuchi-Fujmoto 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Labyrinthitis / Vestibular Neuritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Laceration / Syncope / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Large Fiber Neuropathy / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg pain / Palpitations / Tremors / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leg pain / Rash / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lesion / Lichen Planus / Scarring 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lesion / Rash / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lesions 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Lesions / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lesions / Mobility Issues / Speech Issues / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lethargy / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lethargy / Pain / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leukocytoclastic Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Leukocytosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lichen Planus 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Lichen Planus / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lichenoid Dermatitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lichenoid Drug Eruption 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Light Headed 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Light Sensitivity / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Light Sensitivity / Neuropathy / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lightheadedness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lightheadedness / Nausea / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lightheadedness / Palpitations / Tinnitus / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Limited Mobility / Nerve Damage / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Limited Mobility / Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Limited Mobility / Pain / Shoulder Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Limited Mobility / Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Limited Mobility / Shoulder Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Limited movement / Shoulder pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lip Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lipoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lipschutz Ulcer (LU) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Lipschutz Ulcers 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Liver Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Liver Failure 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Liver Injury 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Liver Injury / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Balance 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Balance / Migraine / Neurological Issues / Transverse Myelitis / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Balance / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Balance / Slurred Speech / Stroke / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Balance / Stroke / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Consciousness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of muscle, Lost the ability to walk without walker, very weak, Lost 50 pounds, Had to use wheelchair if going very far 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Sensation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Sensation / Muscle Spasm / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Smell 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of Smell / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of taste/smell 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss of taste/smell / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss Use of Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss Use of Arm / Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Loss Use of Arm / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Pressure 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Pressure / Low Calcium / Mental Health Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Pressure / Rapid Heartbeat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Pressure / Sweating / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Pressure / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Blood Pressure / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Heart Rate 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Platelet Count 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Low Platelets 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Low White Blood Cell Count 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Damage 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Damage / Memory Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Damage / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Damage / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Inflammation / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Inflammation / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lung Nodules / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lupus 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Lupus / Myositis / Undifferentiated Mixed Connective Tissue Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lupus Nephritis Syndrome 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphadenitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphadenopathy / Pain Peripheral Neuropathy / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphedema 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphedema / Muscle Pain / Swelling / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphedema / Swelling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphoma 7
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphoma / Non Hodgkin Lymphoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Lymphoma / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Macular Edema 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Macular Edema / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Malignant Neoplasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Manic Episode 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Manic Episode / Psychosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) / Neuropathy / Paresthesia / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Memory Loss 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Memory Loss / Migraine / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Memory Loss / Requester Submitted Injury 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Memory Loss / Stroke / Vertigo / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Memory Loss / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Memory Loss / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Menieres Disease 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Meningitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Meningitis / Syringohydromyelia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Menorrhagia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Menstrual Issues 13
COVID-19 Vaccine Menstrual Issues / Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Menstrual Issues / Migraine / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Menstrual Issues / Prediabetes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Menstrual Issues / Requester Submitted Injury 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Menstrual Issues / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (Lupus) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Menstrual Issues / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mental Health Issue 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Mental Health Issue / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mental Health Issue / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mental Health Issue / Suicidal Thoughts 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis (MVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mesenteric Vein Thrombosis (MVT) / Splenic Infarction / Thromboembolism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine MI 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Microscopic Colitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine 23
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Body Pain / Nausea / Weakness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Miscarriage / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Mobility Issues / Neuropathy / Paralysis / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Nausea / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Neuropathy / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Numbness 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Numbness / Pain / Paralysis / Spasms / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Pain / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Paresthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Rash / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Vertigo 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine / Visual Field Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Migraine Headache 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Miller-Fisher Syndrome 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Miscarriage 14
COVID-19 Vaccine Mitral Valve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mitral Valve Damage / Myocarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mixed Connective Tissue Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Neurological Issues / Respiratory Issue / Sleep Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Neuropathy / Numbness / Pain / Rash / Swelling / Tendonitis / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Numbness / Pain / SIRVA / Sleep Issue / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Numbness / Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Numbness / Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Numbness / Paralysis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Numbness / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Numbness / Shoulder Pain / Tendonitis / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Numbness / Tingling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Numbness / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Numbness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Pain 13
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Pain / Shoulder Injury / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Pain / Shoulder Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Pain / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Pain / Tension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Pneumonia / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Shoulder Pain 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Mobility Issues / Urinary Problem / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mono 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mononucleosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Morphea Scleroderma 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Motor Disorder / Tourette's syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Motor Neuron Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Motor Neuropathy 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Mouth Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mouth Sores / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine MRSA Infection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Mucous Stool / Ulcerative Colitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Multiple Organ Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Multiple Sclerosis (MS) 14
COVID-19 Vaccine Multiple Sclerosis (MS) / Numbness / Tingling / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Multiple Sclerosis (MS) / Numbness / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Multiple Sclerosis (MS) / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Multiple Sclerosis (MS) / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Multiple Sclerosis (MS) / Transvers Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain / Muscle Stiffness / Shoulder Pain / Sleep Issue / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain / Transverse Myelitis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Pain / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Spasm 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Spasms 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Stiffness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Stiffness / Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness / Neck pain / Neurological Issues / Pain / Palpitations / Spasms / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness / Necrotizing Myopathy (NM) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness / Nerve Damage / Pain / Rash / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness / Pain / Paralysis / Paresthesia / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Muscle Weakness / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myalgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myalgia / Pancytopenia / Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myasthenia Gravis 19
COVID-19 Vaccine Myasthenia Gravis / Thyroid Storm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myelitis 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocardial Infarction 12
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocardial Infarction / Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocardial Infarction / Subarachnoid Hemorrhage / Subdural Hematoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis 197
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Myopericarditis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Pericarditis 41
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Pericarditis / Pleurisy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Pericarditis / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Pneumonia 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Pneumonia / Polymyositis Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Vaccine Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Myocarditis / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myopericarditis 29
COVID-19 Vaccine Myopericarditis / Pericarditis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Myopericarditis / Vasospasm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myopericarditis / Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Myositis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Narcolepsy / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Non Table Injury / Visual Field Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Respiratory failure / Shortness of Breath / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Tinnitus / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Vertigo / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nausea / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neck pain 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Neck pain / Numbness / Shoulder Injury / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neck pain / Rotator Cuff Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neck pain / Shoulder Injury / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Necrosis / Ulcer / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Necrotizing Pancreatitis (NP) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Needle Stick Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Needlestick Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nephropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nephrotic Kidney Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nephrotic Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nephrotic Syndrome / Renal Failure / Tubular Necrosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage 13
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Numbness / Pain / Shaking 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Numbness / Staph Infection 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Pain 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Pain / Paralysis / Post Vaccine Optic Neuritis / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Requester Submitted Injury 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Damage / Swelling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Nerve Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Nervous System Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuralgia / Rash / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuralogic Amyotrophy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurogenic Bladder Dysfunction / Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Thoracic Myelopathy / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurologic Deterioration / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Adverse Reaction / Sensory Ganglionopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Disability / Physical Disability 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Issues 10
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Issues / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Issues / Sciatica 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neurological Issues / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy 15
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Numbness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Numbness / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Numbness / Twitching / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Pain / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Paresthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Peripheral Neuropathy / Tinnitus / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Retina Aneurysm / Retinopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Rotator Cuff Tear / Shoulder Impingement Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neuropathy / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Neutropenia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine No Medical Diagnosis Provided 22
COVID-19 Vaccine Non Arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Non Axial Spondyloarthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Non Hodgkin Lymphoma 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Non Table Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Non-Diabetic Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Non-St Elevation Myocardial Infarction (NSTEMI) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Nosebleed 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified 840
COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified / Requester Submitted Injury 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Not Specified / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness 42
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Paralysis / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Raynaud's Disease / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Skinspot / Stroke / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Swelling 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Swelling / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Swelling / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Tingling 7
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Pain / Weakness 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Palpitations / Sweating / Swelling / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Paralysis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Paralysis / Transverse Myelitis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Paralysis / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Requester Submitted Injury 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Shortness of Breath / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Sensory Problem / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Shoulder Pain / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Shoulder Pain / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Speech Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Stroke / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Stroke / Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Swelling / Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Swelling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Tingling 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Tingling / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Tingling / Vertigo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Vaccine Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Vision Issues 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Numbness / Weakness 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Nursing Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Occipital Neuralgia / Trigeminal Neuralgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Optic Migraine 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Optic Nerve Edema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Optic Neuritis 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Optic Neuritis / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Oral Herpes Simplex 1 / Staph Infection / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Oral Lichen Planus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Orthostatic Hypertension / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Otisis Media 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ovarian Torsion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain 78
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Brain Fog / Psychotic Episodes / Suicidal Ideation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Palpitations / Small Fiber Neuropathy / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Paralysis / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Paresthesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Parvovirus B19 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Plaque Psoriasis / Pustular Psoriasis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Pneumonia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Rash 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Rash / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Rash / Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (Lupus) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Reactive Arthritis / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Renal Failure / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Requester Submitted Injury 15
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Respiratory Virus / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Seizures / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Shoulder Pain 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Shoulder Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Soreness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Swelling 12
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Swelling / Tightness / Unable To Walk Or Stand 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Thoracic Neuritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Tingling 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain / Weakness 10
COVID-19 Vaccine Pain Protrusion Under Arm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Palindromic Rheumatism (PR) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitations 21
COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitations / Premature Atrial Contractions (PACs) / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitations / Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitations / Shortness of Breath 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitations / Sweating 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitations / Swelling / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Palpitations / Vaccine Reaction 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Palsy / Ptosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pancreatitis 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Panic Attack / Tremors / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paracentral Scotoma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis 22
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Pericarditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Seizures / Transverse Myelitis / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Sjogren's Syndrome / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Stroke / Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Stroke / Transverse Myelitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Transverse Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paralysis / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paraplegia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Parathyroid tumor 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paresthesia 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Paresthesia / Sepsis / Septic Arthritis / Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paresthesia / Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paresthesia / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Parietal Occipital Bleed / Seizure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Parkinsons Disease 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Parkinsons Disease / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Parkinsons Disease / Tremors 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Parosmia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) 25
COVID-19 Vaccine Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) / SIRVA 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Parsonage Turner Syndrome (PTS) / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Passed Out 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pemphigus Foliaceus 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Pemphigus Vulgaris / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pemphigus Vulgaris Flare Up 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericardial Effusion 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericardial Effusion / Pericarditis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis 107
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Asthma Attack / Back Pain / Swelling / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Immunoglobulin A (IgAN) Nephropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Pleural Effusion 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pericarditis / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Perimyocarditis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Peripheral Demyelinating Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Peripheral Neuropathy 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Peripheral Neuropathy / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Peripheral Neuropathy / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Peritonsillar Abscess 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Petechiae 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Phantosmia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pityriasis Lichenoides Et Varioliformis Acuta (PLEVA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pityriasis Lichenoides Et Varioliformis Acuta (PLEVA) / Plaque Psoriasis / Platelet Activation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Plaque Psoriasis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Pleurisy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia 12
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia / Renal Failure / Respiratory Failure / Subclavian Artery Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia / Respiratory failure 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia / Sepsis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia / Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia / Stroke 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pneumonia Abscess 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Polycythemia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Polymyalgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) 16
COVID-19 Vaccine Polymyositis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Polymyositis / Sjogren's Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Polyneuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pontine Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) / Rotator Cuff Tear / Tendinosis / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Post Stroke Recudence 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Postherpetic Neuralgia / Shingles 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) 30
COVID-19 Vaccine Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Small Fiber Neuropathy 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Syncope / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (Pots) / Viral Dysautonomia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Premature Ovarian Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine PRES 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Presyncope / Psoriatic Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (PPMS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Prurigo Nodularis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pseudotumor Cerebral 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Psoriasis 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Psoriatic Arthritis 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Psoriatic Arthritis / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Psychosis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Psychosis / Suicidal Ideation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 50
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Requester Submitted Injury 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolism (PE) / Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Embolus 29
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Saddle Embolism 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulmonary Sarcoidosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulsatile Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pulsatile Tinnitus / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Pyoderma Gangrenosum 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Pyoderma Granulosa / Sweet Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Radiculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ramsay Hunt Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heart Rate / Palpitations 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heartbeat 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heartbeat / Rash / Tingling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heartbeat / Requester Submitted Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heartbeat / Sinus Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapid Heartbeat / Tiredness / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rapidly Progressive Ascending Length Dependent Sensory Polyneuropathy / Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash 33
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Requester Submitted Injury 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Scarring 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Shortness of Breath 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Swelling 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rash / Urinary Problem 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Raynaud's Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Reactive Airway Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Reactive Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Renal Failure 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Rotator Cuff Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Shortness of Breath 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Shoulder Pain 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Skinspot 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Spasms 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Speech Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Stroke 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Stroke / Subacromial Bursitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Vaccine Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Weakness 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Requester Submitted Injury / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Respiratory failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Respiratory Issue 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Retina Detachment 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Retina Detachment / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Retina Detachment / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Retinal Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rhabdomyolysis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) 34
COVID-19 Vaccine Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) / Sjogren's Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ringing In Ears 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff Inflammation 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff Inflammation / Rotator Cuff Tear 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff Pain 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff Tear 13
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff Tear / Septic Arthritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff Tear / Shoulder Injury 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff Tear / Shoulder Injury / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Rotator Cuff Tear / Shoulder Pain / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ruptured Aneurysm / Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Saddle Pulmonary Embolism (SPE) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Sarcoidosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Scarring 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Scleritis / Uveitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Scleroderma 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Scleromyxedema 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Scrotal Mass 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Scrotal Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizure 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizure / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizure Disorder 7
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizure Disorder / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizure Disorder / Tremors 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures 31
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures / Status Epilepticus (SE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures / Stroke 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures / Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures / Vasovagal Syncope 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Seizures / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sensorineural hearing loss 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Sensorineural Hearing Loss / Tinnitus 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Sepsis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Sepsis / Septic Shock 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Septic Bursitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Serum Sickness (Syndrome) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Shingles 10
COVID-19 Vaccine Shingles Eye 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shock 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath 27
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Rash / Facial Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Seizures 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Speech Issues / Swallowing Difficulty / Vision Issues / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Vaccine Reaction 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shortness of Breath / Vomiting 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Bursitis / Shoulder Injury / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Bursitis / Shoulder Pain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Impingement Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Impingement Syndrome / Supraspinatus Tendinitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury 73
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury / Shoulder Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury / SIRVA 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Injury / Supraspinatus Tendinitis / Tendonitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain 86
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain / SIRVA 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain / Sleep Issues / Tension 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain / Swelling 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain / Tendonitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Shoulder Pain / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Shy Draggers Syndrome 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sigmoid Sinus Venous Thrombosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sinus Tachycardia 4
COVID-19 Vaccine SIRVA 109
COVID-19 Vaccine SIRVA / Subacromial Bursitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Sjogren's Syndrome 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Sjogren's Syndrome / Small Fiber Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sjogren's Syndrome / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Skin Rash Lichen Planus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Skinspot 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Skinspot / Vitiligo 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Sleep Issues / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Slurring Words / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy 20
COVID-19 Vaccine Small Fiber Neuropathy / Vision Issues 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Small Vessel Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Soreness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Spasms 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Spasms / Stroke 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Speech Issues 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Speech Issues / Spinal Fat Pad Development 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Speech Issues / Stroke / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Splenic Infarction 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Spongiotic Dermatitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection (SCAD) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stevens-Johnson 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Stiff-person syndrome (SPS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stomach Pain 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Stress 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke 152
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke / Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke / Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke / Vascular Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke / Vasculitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke / Vision Issues 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Stroke / Vision Loss 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Subacromial Bursitis 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Subacute Lacunar Infarction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Subarachnoid Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Subdural Hematoma 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSNHL) 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Superficial Blood Clot 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Supraspinatus Tendinitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Supraventricular Tachycardia (SVT) 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling 16
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Tinnitus 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swelling / Vision Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen lymnodes, Sore/tired, Vaginal ulcers 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Swollen Lymph Nodes 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope 39
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Tachycardia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Vaccine Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Syncope / Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) (Lupus) 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia 28
COVID-19 Vaccine Tachycardia / Vaccine Reaction 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Temporal Arteritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Temporary Paralysis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) Disorder 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tendonitis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Thalamic Hemorrhage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombocytopenia 11
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombocytopenia / Thrombosis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombophlebitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombosis 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Thyroid Storm 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thyroidectomy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Thyroiditis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling 4
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Urinary Problem / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tingling / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus 73
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Vascular Issue 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Vertigo 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Tinnitus / Vestibular Neuritis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine To Be Determined 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Tonsillitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Torsades Pointes Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Transient Global Amnesia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Transverse Myelitis 44
COVID-19 Vaccine Transverse Myelitis / Vaccine Reaction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Transverse Myelitis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Trapezius Strain 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tremors 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Trigeminal Neuralgia 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Trigeminal Neuralgia / Trigeminal Neuropathy 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Trouble Breathing 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tuberous Sclerosis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Tumor 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Twitching 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Ulcerative Colitis 5
COVID-19 Vaccine Ulnar Nerve Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Unable To Walk Or Stand 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Undifferentiated Mixed Connective Tissue Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Unresponsive 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Urinary Retention 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Urticaria 13
COVID-19 Vaccine Uveitis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Bursitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Induced Interstitial Lung Disease 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction 636
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction / Vertigo 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction / Vision Issues 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction / Visual Field Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vaccine Reaction / Weight Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vasculitis 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Vasculitis / Weakness 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vasovagal Syncope 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Vertigo 18
COVID-19 Vaccine Vestibular Hypofunction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vestibular Neuritis 7
COVID-19 Vaccine Vision Issues 14
COVID-19 Vaccine Vision Loss 14
COVID-19 Vaccine Visual Field Loss 9
COVID-19 Vaccine Vitiligo 3
COVID-19 Vaccine Vitreous Hemorrhage (VH) 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Vocal Cord Dysfunction 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Vocal Cord Paralysis 2
COVID-19 Vaccine Vomiting 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakened Heart Valves 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Weakness 8
COVID-19 Vaccine Zoster Myelitis 1
COVID-19 Vaccine / CPAP Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine / Hydromorphone / Ventilator Not Specified 1
COVID-19 Vaccine / Masks Chest Pain / Difficulty Breathing / Headache / Sore Throat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine / Masks Sore Throat 1
COVID-19 Vaccine / Masks / N-95 Chest Pain / Headache / Shortness of Breath 1
COVID-19 Vaccine / N-95 Mask Chest Pain / Cough 1
COVID-19 Vaccine / Remdesivir Death 2
COVID-19 Vaccine / Remdesivir Death / Renal Failure 1
COVID-19 Vaccine / Ventilator Death 7
COVID-19 Vaccine / Ventilator Lung Damage 1
COVID-19 Vaccine / Ventilator Not Specified 1
CPAP / Ventilator Death 1
CRRT / Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
CRRT / Intubation / Remdesivir Death 1
Decadron / Intubation / Mechanical Ventilator / Remdesivir Death 1
Decadron / Remdesivir Death 2
Dexamethasone Death 1
Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine Death 1
Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 1
Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Dexamethasone / Dialysis / Ventilator Death 1
Dexamethasone / Enoxaparin / Remdesivir / Vitamin C / Zinc Death 1
Dexamethasone / Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Dexamethasone / Ivermectin / Prednisolone / Remdesivir Death 1
Dexamethasone / NRB / Remdesivir Death / Mental Health Issue / Requester Submitted Injury 1
Dexamethasone / Remdesivir Death 1
Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol Not Specified 1
Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Steroids / Ventilator Death 2
Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Dexamethasone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 6
Dialysis / Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Vancomycin / Ventilator Death 1
Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Lovenox / Ventilator / Zithromax Death 1
Dialysis / Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Dialysis / Ventilator Death 1
Echmo / Ventilator Death 2
Enoxaparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Nitazoxanide / Vitamin / Zinc Death 1
Failure to abide by COVID-19 regulations Death 1
Failure to Meet Standards of Care (SNF) Death 295
Fentanyl / Heparin / Ventilator Death 1
Fentanyl / Hydroxychloroquine / Intubation Death 1
Fentanyl / Propofol / Ventilator Death 1
Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Steroids / Vancomycin / Ventilator Death 1
Heparin / Hydroxychloroquine / Oxygen / Ventilator / Zithromax Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine Death 28
Hydroxychloroquine / Lovenox / Ventilator / Zithromax Death 2
Hydroxychloroquine / Mechanical Ventilator Death 2
Hydroxychloroquine / Mechanical Ventilator / Remdesivir Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Methylprednisolone / Ventilator Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Not Specified Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Ondansetron Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Oseltamivir / Zithromax Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Oxygen / Ventilator / Zithromax Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir Death 9
Hydroxychloroquine / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 9
Hydroxychloroquine / Sarilumab Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab Death 2
Hydroxychloroquine / Solu-Medrol / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Hydroxychloroquine / Steroids / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 2
Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator Death 18
Hydroxychloroquine / Ventilator / Z-Pac Death 1
Intubation Abscess / Pneumonia 1
Intubation Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) 1
Intubation Death 5
Intubation High Blood Pressure / Kidney Failure 1
Intubation / Mechanical Ventilator Decubitus Ulcer with MRSA / Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) / Transient Epistaxis 1
Intubation / Remdesivir Death 2
Intubation / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Intubation / Ventilator Death 5
Intubation / Ventilator Pneumomediastinum / Pneumonia / Pneumothorax / Subcutaneous Emphysema 1
Ivermectin / Remdesivir Death 1
Levaquin / Plaquenil / Vitamin C / Vitamin D / Zinc Death 1
Lovenox / Plaquenil / Ventilator Death 1
Lovenox / Remdesivir Death 1
Mechanical Respirator Death 1
Mechanical Ventilator COVID-19 Infection 14
Mechanical Ventilator Death 240
Mechanical Ventilator Death / Pulmonary Embolus 1
Mechanical Ventilator Death / Respiratory failure 1
Mechanical Ventilator Death / Sepsis 1
Mechanical Ventilator Not Specified 1
Mechanical Ventilator Pneumonia 1
Mechanical Ventilator / Remdesivir Death 10
Mechanical Ventilator / Remdesivir Not Specified 1
Methylprednisolone / Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 1
Midazolam / Remdesivir / Seasonal Flu Vaccine / Ventilator Death 1
Monoclonal Antibodies Not Specified 1
Monoclonal Antibodies / Remdesivir Death 1
Monoclonal Antibodies / Remdesivir Not Specified 1
N-95 Mask Difficulty Breathing / Headache / Pain 1
N-95 Mask Post COVID Syndrome (Long COVID) 1
N-95 Mask / Ventilator Death 1
Not Specified Abdominal Pain 1
Not Specified Acute Hypoxemia 1
Not Specified Acute Respiratory Failure / Death 1
Not Specified Anaphylaxis / Quadriplegia 1
Arm Pain Arm Pain 1
Not Specified Arthritis 1
Not Specified Bell's Palsy / Headache / Numbness 1
Not Specified Blood Clot 1
Not Specified Collapsed Lung / Kidney Failure 1
Not Specified COVID-19 Infection 4
Not Specified COVID-19 Infection / Death 2
Not Specified Death 176
Not Specified Difficulty Walking / Weakness 1
Not Specified Not Specified 15
Not Specified Pneumomediastinum 1
Not Specified Transverse Myelitis 1
Not Specified Vaccine Reaction 1
Not Specified Death 2
Not Specified Hearing Loss 1
Not Specified Heart Attack / Pulmonary Embolism (PE) 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Hypertension 1
Not Specified Not Specified 3
Not Specified Pain / Swelling 1
Not Specified Stroke 1
Oxygen Not Specified 1
Oxygen / Prednisone Death 1
Oxygen / Remdesivir Death 1
Permavir / Remdesivir / Steroids Death 1
Plaquenil / Ventilator Death 1
Plaquenil / Vitamin C / Zinc / Zithromax Death 1
Proning Position / Ventilator Not Specified 1
Protective face mask (e.g. N-95 face mask) Death 1
Protective face mask (e.g. N-95 face mask) Rotator Cuff Tear 1
Refusal of COVID-19 Vaccination Death 1
Refusal of COVID-19 Vaccination Tremors 1
Relenza / Ventilator Death 1
Remdesivir Acute Respiratory Failure / Pneumonia 1
Remdesivir COVID-19 Infection 1
Remdesivir Death 92
Remdesivir Death / Renal Failure 1
Remdesivir Not Specified 3
Remdesivir Pneumothorax 1
Remdesivir Renal Hepatic Damage 1
Remdesivir Stroke 1
Remdesivir / Solu-Medrol / Ventilator Death 1
Remdesivir / Steroids / Ventilator Death 1
Remdesivir / Tocilizumab Death 1
Remdesivir / Tocilizumab / Ventilator Death 1
Remdesivir / Ventilator Death 36
Respirator Death 1
Steroids Not Specified 1
To Be Determined To Be Determined 6
COVID-19 Vaccine Alopecia Areata / Hair Loss 1
COVID-19 Vaccine Gastrointestinal (GI) Bleed / Hypertension / Neuropathy / Numbness / Pain / Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) / Tingling 1
To Be Determined Not Specified 4
Tylenol Death 1
Ventilator Acute Hypoxemia / Myocardial Infarction / Respiratory failure 1
Ventilator Cardiac Arrest / Difficulty Walking / Memory Loss / Seizures / Slurred Speech / Weakness 1
Ventilator Death 262
Ventilator Sepsis 1
Date Last Reviewed: