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Rural Health Care Coordination Program

About the program

Funding Opportunity Number: HRSA-23-125
Dates to Apply: 03/23/2023 to 09/21/2023
Bureau/Office: Federal Office of Rural Health Policy
Status: Closed
Estimated Award Date: 09/01/2023
This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Rural Health Care Coordination Program. The purpose of this program is to promote rural health care services outreach by improving and expanding delivery of health care services through comprehensive care coordination strategies in rural areas. This award is intended to serve as initial seed funding to implement creative community-based health solutions in rural communities to expand access to and coordination of care with the expectation that awardees will then be able to sustain the program after the federal funding ends. The goals for the Rural Health Care Coordination Program are to: 1. Expand access to and quality of equitable health care services through care coordination strategies exclusively in rural areas; 2. Utilize an innovative evidence-based, promising practice, and/or value-based care model(s) that is known to, or demonstrates strong evidence to, improve patient health outcomes and the planning and delivery of patient-centered health care services; 3. Increase collaboration among multi-sector and multidisciplinary network partnerships to address the underlying factors related to social determinants of health; and 4. Develop and implement deliberate and sustainable strategies of care coordination into policies, procedures, staffing, services, and communication systems. The Rural Health Care Coordination Program is a four-year program with year one (September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2024) being a planning year and years two – four (September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2027) focused on program implementation. Applicants are required to select one primary focus area from the following: 1) heart disease; 2) cancer; 3) chronic lower respiratory disease; 4) stroke; or 5) maternal health. Applicants are to propose innovative approaches to achieve the program goals, address local health challenges including the underlying risk factors that contribute to the selected primary focus area, and improve population health outcomes through coordinated, community-wide programs that link health and human services within an established or formal network (for the purposes of this program the terms “consortium” and “network” are used interchangeably). Although it is required to select one primary focus area, applicants may include underlying risk factors that contribute to the selected primary focus area understanding care coordination includes the provision of care for individuals with chronic and/or medically complex diseases. At the end of the four years, applicants should be able to contribute to the following outcomes: 1. Expanded access to and affordability of quality comprehensive care coordination leading to cost savings and overall health improvement status; 2. Improved patient health outcomes through the utilization of chronic care management, and/or preventive and wellness services; 3. Institutionalized care coordination strategies within their policies, procedures, staffing, services, and communication systems; 4. Implemented a multidisciplinary and multi-sector referral system; and 5. Identified a variety of funding and financing mechanisms to continue comprehensive care coordination strategies beyond the initial FORHP grant funding.

Who can apply

Eligible applicants include domestic public or private, non-profit or for-profit entities, including faith-based, community-based, tribes, and tribal organizations. The applicant organization may be located in a rural or urban area, but must have demonstrated experience serving, or the capacity to serve, rural underserved populations. The applicant organization should describe in detail their experience and/or capacity to serve rural populations in the Project Abstract section of the application. The applicant organization must represent a network composed of members that include three or more health care providers. For the purposes of this funding opportunity, the terms “consortium” and “network” are used interchangeably. The applicant organization may not previously have received an award under 42 U.S.C. 254c(e) from the HRSA Federal Office of Rural Health Policy for the same or a similar project unless the applicant is proposing to expand the scope of the project or the area that will be served through the project.

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Amber Berrian

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